About Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus)
Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus) ( School ) is located at 10 Atwood St, Wellesley, MA 02482, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: School
Ratings & Ranking
Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus) has a rating of 5 and is ranked number 48610 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus) is located at 10 Atwood St, Wellesley, MA 02482, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus) range between 30,000 USD and 50,000 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus).
Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus) Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus) and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Star Academy Boston (Wellesley Campus) has 4 reviews with an overall rating of 5. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
The faculty at Star Academy are exceptional. Each instructor I met was not only deeply knowledgeable in their field but also genuinely passionate about teaching and mentoring students. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to be challenging yet accessible, ensuring that all students can thrive and reach their full potential.
What sets Star Academy apart is its commitment to holistic education. They emphasize not just academic excellence but also the development of critical life skills such as leadership, communication, and resilience. The diverse range of extracurricular activities and clubs provides students with plenty of opportunities to explore their interests and build meaningful connections.
Overall, my experience at Star Academy Boston Wellesley was incredibly positive. The community is welcoming, the staff is supportive, and the educational experience is truly top-notch. I highly recommend this institution to anyone looking for an enriching educational environment that prepares students not just for college, but for life.