Prattville KinderCare, Prattville | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Prattville KinderCare (Preschool) is in Prattville and has a 3.8 rating.

About Prattville KinderCare

Prattville KinderCare ( Preschool ) is located at 701 Sheila Blvd, Prattville, AL 36066, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Preschool, Day care center

Ratings & Ranking

Prattville KinderCare has a rating of 3.8 and is ranked number 26587 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Prattville KinderCare is located at 701 Sheila Blvd, Prattville, AL 36066, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Prattville KinderCare range between 10,000 USD and 18,000 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Prattville KinderCare.

Prattville KinderCare Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Prattville KinderCare and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Prattville KinderCare has 14 reviews with an overall rating of 3.8. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.8 out of 5.0 stars
I very rarely leave negative reviews and I have spent some time thinking this one over. I think the best way to explain the reason for my negative review is to tell you about our experience with the Pre-Kindergarten program at Prattville KinderCare.
My 4-year-old child was enrolled in Prattville Kindercare from August of 2018 through February of 2019. I had high hopes for his time at KinderCare, as I had heard from other parents about the high quality of the KinderCare program and I had been impressed by the environment and materials they had for the children to work with.
My child’s first few months at KinderCare seemed to go well enough. I noticed that there were some peer difficulties and picking up of bad habits (potty language and bad behavior) from the other kids, but I continued to counsel towards better behavior and figured it was a part of the age. Then, after the Christmas holidays he started becoming very hesitant to go to school in the mornings. I started getting bad behavior reports from his teacher on a regular basis. I would counsel my child towards better behavior. I was becoming more perplexed by this behavior and its intensity. Our previous preschool did not have these issues with my child and only occasionally had a bad day. Here, my child was frequently coming home with bad behavior reports.
Our time at KinderCare came to an end when he kept breaking down in the mornings and refusing to go to school. It was clear to me that my child wasn’t thriving at Prattville KinderCare. During that week I had a chat with the director who mentioned he was having frequent emotional meltdowns. She thought that perhaps the problem was that the program he came from did not have the level of structure that KinderCare does. I disagreed with that, knowing about the program and excellent teacher he came from. I noted that the teacher rarely, if ever, said anything positive to me about my child.
My child has been at his new preschool for two weeks, and in the presence of adults who are miles more loving and caring than anything I saw at KinderCare, he is once again thriving, no longer saying he does not want to attend school, and happier every single day. His teachers report only minor behavioral issues and my child once again shows remorse and an intention to improve his behavior. His energy is better, his smile is brighter, and since he’s left the KinderCare program he has told us a little more about what happened. He told us his teacher was regularly mean to him and his peers. He’s told us he felt like she did not like him or care about him. Finally, he’s said he is very happy that he never has to go back there.
I strongly feel that all children in preschool programs deserve to feel loved, cared about, and seen by their care providers. This is not the vibe I ever got from my son’s teacher at KinderCare. I cannot speak to the other teachers at the center, but I cannot recommend their pre-K program and would not recommend the center in general.
I love the caring, kind, structured, family-oriented environment provided by KinderCare. I am a single parent, and I work out of town a lot, but anytime I can drop my son off or pick him up at KinderCare, I look forward to it, the staff is very friendly and professional, I love the atmosphere. I love the reports that keeps me informed of his activities throughout the day, and his final daily report. I talk with my son every evening, and one of the first questions I ask him is how was school? He always answers good and begin to share his day with me in his 4-year-old way. He loves school, and that makes me feel good. KinderCare is setting a strong academic, structured, foundation for my child. He talks about his friends; therefore, I can see that he is developing good social interactive skills, and those skills are evident when he interacts, talks, and plays with his younger brother. I am more than pleased with the service at KinderCare, my son has been there for two years, and the progress he’s made in the areas of cognitive growth, social skills, confidence, etc. makes me feel confident that he will have a smooth transition into regular school because of the foundations laid by KinderCare and their awesome leadership, and staff. Thank you KinderCare management, and staff for your dedicated service to our children.

Autumn Noelle Williams
KinderCare, Parent

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