Decatur Classical School, Chicago | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Decatur Classical School (Elementary school) is in Chicago and has a 3.4 rating.

About Decatur Classical School

Decatur Classical School ( Elementary school ) is located at 7030 N Sacramento Ave, Chicago, IL 60645, United States. It is categorised as : Public elementary school.
Other categories: Elementary school, School

Ratings & Ranking

Decatur Classical School has a rating of 3.4 and is ranked number 12925 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
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  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Decatur Classical School is located at 7030 N Sacramento Ave, Chicago, IL 60645, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public elementary school, the school fees for Decatur Classical School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at Decatur Classical School.

Decatur Classical School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Decatur Classical School and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Decatur Classical School has 29 reviews with an overall rating of 3.4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.4 out of 5.0 stars
This school was phenomenal but it also had one bad part about it. There was a certain teacher who i disliked. He was the worst teacher ive ever had
I didnt like this teacher for the following reasons
1. He wasn’t really our teacher. What i mean by this is that he didn’t really teach us anything. He used youtube videos such as vsauce or scishow to teach us. Theirs a huge difference learning from vsauce and learning from a teacher.
2. He picked favorites. There were two kids who kept leaving the classroom without permission. After being given several warnings they kept leaving. Then on one day he noticed that they were gone and told the class that they were going to get in trouble which usually involves a misconduct report. As soon as they got back he didn’t have the guts to give his “favorite students” misconducts even though that was strictly forbidden by the uniform discipline code and I was sure if it was anyone else he would of probably suspended them or worse.
3. He also has students that he disliked for example once there was a kid and he was a trouble maker. He was doing the monkey bars when suddenly another student jumps onto the monkey bars and crashed into him. The teacher yelled at that kid and told him to sit down but he didnt even talk to the other kid
4. He doesn’t know how to handle kids. Instead of handling them he just sends them to the office for the principal to handle. This of course excludes his “favorite students”
5. He wont admit hes wrong

Even though they have this bad teacher. This school is phenomenal but it has its problems. 1 bad apple can ruin the bunch. 1 teacher can ruin a class of students or even the whole school. Its kinda ironic that my favorite subject is science but he was my worst teacher. Even though they have him as I said before this school is great and I would suggest having your kids go there

My experiences there were not that bad. First things first, the administration is horrible. The principal and vice principal are racist. My 5th and 6th grade year were my best ones, and I really loved the teacher I had, Mrs. Allegretti. My 4th year, however, was horrible. Ms. Jorbin, the science teacher was the worst. Fortunately she left the school.

The science teacher in 5th/6th grade was okay, but he picked favorites way too much. Don’t get thrown off by the other reviews, the Latin curriculum was amazing with a stellar teacher, and it really helped me learn other languages (or at least give me a small jump start) in high school.

The school was tiny, which might be bad if your transitioning to a big school afterwards, and there was almost no homework. This might sound like a good thing, but really, it’s bad. My new school has a lot of homework and my homework amount at Decatur did not help to cope with the quantity of homework.

Overall, a good experience in my last years, and the rest were mediocre. I would not recommend this school to older students. As for younger students, you can make the decision.

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