FORESIGHT CLC, Chicago | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

FORESIGHT CLC (Preschool) is in Chicago and has a 2.4 rating.


FORESIGHT CLC ( Preschool ) is located at 101 E 69th St, Chicago, IL 60637, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Preschool, Day care center, Education center, Educational institution, Head start center, Learning center, School

Ratings & Ranking

FORESIGHT CLC has a rating of 2.4 and is ranked number 33263 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

FORESIGHT CLC is located at 101 E 69th St, Chicago, IL 60637, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for FORESIGHT CLC range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at FORESIGHT CLC.

FORESIGHT CLC Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between FORESIGHT CLC and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

FORESIGHT CLC has 17 reviews with an overall rating of 2.4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 2.4 out of 5.0 stars
Foresight is given one star by me yes and that is ONLY because of the children over the course of my slavery days at foresight, the children grow on you and you love them and tend to be fond of them. But that’s it that’s all. I came to foresight about three years to three and a half years ago and was amazed with the design of the place and by the “when I come up you come and they talked about Jesus” speeches given at every meeting. But after a while they became overwhelmingly unpleasant. Being fired(yes I put it out there because after reading this she will make it known) and ASKED to return so I did because I loved the children, over a period of time I’ve learned that absolutely nothing has changed about foresight. The children are still not learning, if you like a daycare where your child is being watched and not taught then omit what I am saying…..The children will never learn if you have a director or owner whichever is to be named, that moves kids from each classroom throughout the site. As well as new teachers every other week. How is there room for the children to be molded properly for grade school.As a staff member you are being video(which is common sense and fine) and audio taped as well. Yes the director will tell you she is audiotaping for the safety of the children but will definitely recite a conversation that doesn’t pertain to work to other staff members regardless if it was in a classroom or in break room. The owner is still unworthy of being called a owner. She doesn’t like steady rules, they change every week and will hire you for one job by the next week you will be doing another job. Anyone that is looking for a job can get hired..she hires people on the spot. And if she feels threaten by your will to stand up and knowing right from wrong she will find a way to get rid of you. Some of her staff or managerial team are not people persons and doesn’t know to speak properly to staff or parents. I don’t understand how a boss has to apologize for her team and their behavior knowing this and say “oh that’s just how she is” and not address them properly. Foresight is a rule breaker. No matter how much of a pretty scene it is this is all a cover up for the major mess ups. From the front desk work down to kids. Example, some kids are affected and capable of affecting other kids. Their method of handling the problem is to cover it up with a bandage and speak with parents upon pick up. When parents are to be called and child must be picked up immediately. Parents are told that children will go on field trips during summer but they don’t, kids are instead called ghetto and bad. This is why during school year if a trip is to come about parents are asked to go along with your child or student will not be in attendance. Foresight plays unfair, some staff is asked to clock in and out to use the restroom while others can come and go as they please. Some parents has to follow rules some parents don’t. Some good reviews are real some are not. Example T animal is the one and only Mrs. Christopher herself. The other two are on her team so of course good things were to be said. All and all foresight not a good place for children nor a good place for a person looking for a career. You will be sadly tossed around until you stand up for yourself. I would NEVER recommend this place for anyone EVER.
If you’re looking for a clean, paperwork focused daycare this is the place for you. But if you want your kids to learn and be the focus please keep going. I quit a job to work here cause it was so appealing by looks, just to get here and see that the kids do not have the right guidance and support. I have been in childcare for over 6years working with infants-2 yr old, mostly with 2yr olders. When I came here the teacher that trained me was unqualified for the 2yr old classroom. Mrs Christopher, the director, acted as though these kids were well groomed and ready to learn when really they were like newborns just starting school, probably because they haven’t had a steady teacher or class room so she wouldn’t know what they could do. Mrs Christopher criticized my teaching abilities because she provided minimal training and gave me a class full of kids by myself while still learning all these tedious cleaning and paperwork methods that had to be done. She is very unprofessional and rude and it shows in her employees. They are unqualified, even though you see lesson plans and are given forms like their doing their job it’s all a show those kids are not learning because the focus is to stay on schedule with paperwork and cleaning not on the well being of the kids. I went to help in the Kg class and those kids had difficulties with colors and identifying numbers. I would think a 4 or 5 year old can identify the number 5. She asked me to step in her office while I was passing it and I was in front of her. So I stepped in, she told me how dare I go in her office first, but I was only doing what she asked. She said I smile to much and she’s my boss so take her serious but I never laughed and joked with Mrs.Christopher. I was confused because I work with kids all day and I thought I was post to stay in good spirits. During my interview we discussed me not working in the infant room, a week after starting I was put in the infant room because I refused to put 2yr olders on a changing table when they should be getting potty trained and not being set back. After being there for 3 weeks I quit because no amount of money is worth going home in tears, being harrased and disrespected. I wish I would have saw some of these reviews before I left my first job.

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