Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School, Northridge | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School (Middle school) is in Northridge and has a 3.8 rating.

About Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School

Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School ( Middle school ) is located at 9950 Tampa Ave, Northridge, CA 91324, United States. It is categorised as : Public charter middle school..
Other categories: Middle school, School

Ratings & Ranking

Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School has a rating of 3.8 and is ranked number 2023 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School is located at 9950 Tampa Ave, Northridge, CA 91324, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public charter middle school., the school fees for Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School.

Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Alfred B. Nobel Charter Middle School has 92 reviews with an overall rating of 3.8. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.8 out of 5.0 stars
Eh, the education is ok and I got lucky with most of my teachers. I’m a seventh grader now and haven’t really gotten dress coded often though I wear leggings every day and tank tops around the dean. The counselling is absolute garbage though, the adults just try to get a story about every student and will send you two weeks of paper pickup if you walk too fast but when groups of kids are trying to grand theft auto a golf cart parked somewhere nobody does anything. My counsellor is especially horrible, I’m stuck in the theater elective and have extreme stage fright and I end up skipping, I tried to explain this to her within the gap that we can move classes and she just sent me a paper pick up slip for skipping and sent me to class. The overall school is very pretty if you can look past the minor sharpie graffiti, gum everywhere, and the food trash. Teachers are alright but if you know anything about the teacher Ms Yu you’d send your kid out of her class immediately from the horrible and random teaching “style” she has that is throwing two essays a week at you and completely forgetting about most of the dates.
Mrs Herring is one of the art teachers and she is honestly amazing, maybe I’m biased as I’m an art kid but she just stays calm through everything and a free sorta feel in her room, each year one of her kids gets the opportunity to paint someplace on her walls or doors, and honest to god I hope she never leaves this school. Good luck to any future kids, stay quiet and get friendly with the teachers, dean, aids, and the counsellors and if you see something wrong that isn’t drugs or suicide stay quiet. Make yourself the kid they look over and you’ll get by with anything because you’re a “good kid” don’t act out unless you’re deprived of that sweet sweet feeling of losing your clean record
It’s an ideal school. Very organized; a lot of the teachers seem to be spot on. They are quite able; they are for the most part “sociable” with the students, and are able to somewhat help stragglers who find themselves lost in the quote-unquote “chaos” of Nobel Middle. One thing that I have to note about the school: Leaves, bird poop, more leaves, and more bird poop. No more than 3 weeks ago, a bird did the number 2, and it splashed all over our area where we decided to eat. And it seems that the residue never goes away, as no one is paid to scrub up the concrete. Also, the leaves are annoying on windy days.

Another thing I might add, is that there are a high amount of students here that feel the need to antagonize others for a simple mistake. It seems as if the students here were rushed in teaching, and their mindset has adapted to that rush. No one has patience anymore, except for the teachers and some staff that are glad to stick around and help. Anyways, if you are planning to send your child to Nobel, then do so! It is, after all, the best school in the Valley. Rarely have I seen the day where something highly inappropriate has occured at Nobel, apart from a few pranksters and their clay chalks, drawing obscene body parts on the ground early before school.

If you want to socialize with me and my friends, we are always there to chat, on the benches near the hallways. We are not discriminatory; we accept all, and love all.

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