Grand River Preparatory High School, Kentwood | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Grand River Preparatory High School (School) is in Kentwood and has a 3.4 rating.

About Grand River Preparatory High School

Grand River Preparatory High School ( School ) is located at 650 52nd St SE, Kentwood, MI 49548, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: School, High school, Preparatory school, Public educational institution

Ratings & Ranking

Grand River Preparatory High School has a rating of 3.4 and is ranked number 19340 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Grand River Preparatory High School is located at 650 52nd St SE, Kentwood, MI 49548, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Grand River Preparatory High School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Grand River Preparatory High School.

Grand River Preparatory High School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Grand River Preparatory High School and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Grand River Preparatory High School has 21 reviews with an overall rating of 3.4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.4 out of 5.0 stars
Been to schools in different countries, as well as other schools in the US, but this school gave the worst experience anyone could imagine.

1. Teachers seemed to think they were auditioning for roles in 90210, had juvenile attitudes, and were biased according to their favorite student personalities.

2. Though they offered AP classes, the quality of their teaching left much to be desired.

3.The counseling was so miserable it made me wonder why they tried at all. Apparently, if they don’t have answers for your concerns, they will fabricate solutions that bite you in the end, and they will show no remorse for it… they might have exchange students, but they do not know how to deal with foreign students.

4. The faculty is the most unsympathetic… my sister was diagnosed with an illness that affected her joints and made it difficult for her to move from one point to another easily. Apart from giving her a locker further from her classes, and prohibiting the carrying of a bag for her stationary, they continuously punished her for arriving at class late (no more than 3 min) and refused to do anything about the situation even after the parents addressed the situation numerous times.

I believe high school is a place where kids come to get valuable education, that not only permits them to pass the relevant tests, but stays with them for a long time after they’ve left, and acts as a foundation for many other lessons learned throughout life. GRP doesn’t provide that, they overwhelm, and give enough to maybe pass the test, but never leave an impression that one learned something valuable.
Social life is a huge thing in high school, and GRP, some how managed to screw that up us well……

i could go on and on about how this school is unworthy to be called a school, but all i want people to know is that points, and rank numbers of a school are not the only thing that determine how good a school is. after all, the students have to live with the experience for the rest of their lives. what good is a high school diploma that comes with bitter memories?
If it matters anything to the parent, they would not bring their child to a school that represses and depresses, while promising good they don’t deliver.

Lots of people complain about this school but bottom line is, if you want to succeed here you will. It’s not like other high schools because it is a COLLEGE PREP school. I will say this. I can see why some students would complain. There is no school spirit, the staff is often new and inexperienced, causing the classes to fall behind and the teaching technique to be…confusing. The rules that are enforced are at times a bit too much. The teachers are biased. Especially the performing and foundational/visual arts teachers. If you’re a good student who does what you’re supposed to do, it won’t matter if the teacher isn’t fond of you. You won’t succeed unless you kiss up to them. But if you’re looking to just get through high school and move on to bigger and better things, Grand River is the place for you. You go, do your work, and leave and you’ll be fine. WHO CARES if they have a uniform? Lots of schools do. 5 minutes to get to class? That’s plenty of time. Don’t act like it’s such a short amount of time. I’ve had time to leave class, use the bathroom, and make it to the other side of school for my class on time. It’s not a big school you’ll be okay I promise. And the reason the hallways are so crowded is because the student population is increasing every year. Give them a break. I grew up in Detroit and due to the fact that my parents weren’t impressed with DPS I had to attend private schools. But I’m back now and having to attend DPS schools and if I could, I’d trade this in for GRP in a second. Be thankful for what you have and quit complaining.

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