About Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka
Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka ( Child care agency ) is located at 301 W Welch Rd, Apopka, FL 32712, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Child care agency, Preschool
Ratings & Ranking
Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka has a rating of 4.5 and is ranked number 2008 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 4.5 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka is located at 301 W Welch Rd, Apopka, FL 32712, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka range between 10,000 USD and 20,000 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka.
Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Big Blue Marble Academy Apopka has 78 reviews with an overall rating of 4.5. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 4.5 out of 5.0 stars4.5
BE AWARE!I am so disappointed at this daycare.I expressed to BBMA that I was nervous to have my son at daycare after I stood with my son for 14 months.The first week my mother in law picks him and find him alone in the corner hysterically crying and find him covered in boogers all over his face. Second Incident I find Mrs Candice screaming at a TODDLER “Get out of there, Dont do that, you know better” in a tone that was unacceptable for a toddler to comprehend and the grip she had on them was just not okay for me. Third incident I walked into the classroom and KIKi was sitting looking over the toddler and there was 3 little boys with boogers down to there lips and I had to address to the Mrs. Kiki to please clean the babies face. Babies are sick and she couldn’t clean them was disturbing. Fourth incident I expressed to Mrs. Jamie I feel my son woke up with a cold & if he doesn’t feel well throughout the day to call my in law since she should be home by noon. I get a call before noon stating Jesiah not well but he is napping so pick up after nap time. when I arrived I find them bagging up his clothes and stated they were just about to call me. They found my son filled with vomit in his sleep and they had to clean him up. I was beyond speechless because how did my son vomit in his sleep and no one heard him gag or cough or did check up rounds while they are asleep for 2 hours!!! UNACCEPTABLE!! Fifth incident I pick up my son and Mrs Kiki stated she supposably called me and left a voicemail and I did not receive anything but she proceed to say I needed to sign a incident report that my son scratched his face from being upset & I proceed to ask how because I never seen him do that and she stated “uhm I dont know, he just gets mad and scratch himself” so I left confused because how do you make a report without actually knowing how he got scratched and blame it that he had a tantrum but when I look at his scratch you can tell a child did it since the scratch was from his cheeks down to his ears and back of his neck! Incident 6 Kiki Was sitting down leaned back on the chair with her legs crossed and hands on her lap and I hear about 3 children crying and she unaware I am walking in and I hear her in a annoyed tone “what? what is it? do you want something?” lets keep in mind these babies are 1 1/2 they can not talk nor expressed why they are crying and as I get closer I see my son hysterical on the floor crying & clinged on to me. I tried to pull him off to see if his okay and he would NOT loose grip and his cry was just heart breaking. Why couldn’t she distract there cry and played a song, or read a book, or brought out a toy to play with? why did she watch these 3 babies cry and when I question why are they are crying and her response was “uh I dont know once one cries they all start to cry”. What an ignorant response. Incident 7 I picked up my son, he seemed very cranky when I picked him up, I took home and take him a bath and find a bite mark on his back. As I touch it he cries because you can tell it was pretty deep and bruised. I Bring it up the next day and everyone says they didn’t see anything happen and he didn’t cry at all that day which I find impossible because how can he cry when I touch the area but he didn’t cry when the bite was made? I emailed the BBMA school, spoke with Nikita and spoke with Monica (which I thought was the CEO) & their response was we do training and do play outs on certain cases so they are aware of how to handle thing! That was it! nothing else, they stated they would look into it. My last straw is when I went to drop off my son 5/21 and found Mrs Candice SCREAM “get off of her, Dont touch her” and she grips that baby and sit her down and pour baby was hysterically crying and the teacher face was red as a cherry and I simply said yeah no I am not leaving him here. This is my last straw. my son been there for 3 months and holds on to me for dear life for me to Not drop him off. BE AWARE OF THE TEACHERS! Mrs Jamie is the lead teacher and a sweet heart but fails as a leader to report this
Short version: We are EXTREMELY happy with BBMA Apopka. Enrolling our 3 year old has turned out to be a great decision.
Initially, we were worried that our toddler would have a hard time transitioning from the previous daycare because we had been there since the infant room (3 years). Those concerns went away before the end of the first week. Our kid loves going to “new school.” The staff and teachers are always professional and friendly. They keep the children engaged with fun and educational activities every day. In addition to the pictures that we get through the app, the teacher sends home the activities at least once a week. This allows us to see what our child is learning and have meaningful conversations.
Each month, there is a common theme that all class curriculums tie into. This information is shared with the parents, and there is even suggested supplemental reading based on your child’s age. We bought the suggested book for December and after reading it, we realized that our 3 year old has been saying “Merry Christmas” in 3 languages!
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