Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary, Pharr | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary (Middle school) is in Pharr and has a 3.9 rating.

About Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary

Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary ( Middle school ) is located at 1200 E Kelly Ave BLDG 2, Pharr, TX 78577, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Middle school, High school, School

Ratings & Ranking

Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary has a rating of 3.9 and is ranked number 1807 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary is located at 1200 E Kelly Ave BLDG 2, Pharr, TX 78577, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary.

Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Vanguard Rembrandt Secondary has 97 reviews with an overall rating of 3.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.9 out of 5.0 stars
In order for me to post my comments I had to rate. Sorry a little long but needed to make my comment public. When Vanguard started many years ago. It started in portables behind the church right there on Kelly. I remember because my granddaughter started this school back then. A charter school is a school of choice. We choice Vanguard because of their values, the teachers, the way children we taught. Most of all their spiritual beliefs, the prayer every morning, lunch time. Their Friday guard rally’s. The respect from the teachers and the students towards each other. They were a small school and it was a great one. In the past couple of years things have changed. The school has grown from one to three, change in administration. Adding a lot more students caring about the money the school makes rather than the values the school was founded on. This year there has been so many changes. Starting with doing away with prayer, there is no more respect for teachers nor students from the principals. The pressure they put on teachers to pass a test rather than educate the student so they are able to pass. If the students fail the teacher is not a good teacher if the students pass the teacher is cheating by helping the students pass. Like they say you dam if you do dam if you dont. There is a lot more bullying and administration isnt doing anything about it. Bullying is not only among the student but the new Principals, intimidating the teachers, and not allowing them to educate students how it should be, taking away one to one session with the students who need that extra help because they are taking to must time away from studying for the starr.
There has been talk from administration about making it a public school doing away with the charter status. Do you know what that means they are more interested in money than the values the school which it was founded on. If I wanted my child to go to a public school I would have just walked a block away from my house to the public school. But I had chosen Vanguard Academy Charter school because of their ideas to educate, a small school, more time for the student to show their full potential, a school where students didn’t need to hide to pray or pray in silence. A school where they were being educated and valued for themself not for the score that would make on the staar. I understand the law is the law and the staar must be taken, but they have done away to educate a student to pass, now they are pressured to pass. If you didnt know a Charter schools is paid by the amount of attendees not from the school taxes you pay. The more attendees as a public school they get more money from federal and state. If that is not called greed I dont know what is. Parents keep an eye on your children, listen to them, question them about their education, the school and all the administration. Before school ended several teachers were fired after many year of service to Vanguard, some had been there since the school was founded. Why I ask why so many drastic changes. What next. I personally have decided to withdraw my children from Vanguard for this up coming year. Parents do your own investigation, be involved, question. Your children education the values this school was founded on means more than the dollar signs they are looking at. Thank you for taking the time to read my comment.
I’m going to have to disagree with Ms Linda Gomez’s comment . Vanguard Academy has excelled not only in education but in bringing GOD back to the classroom. Vanguard students are given a different way in succeeding in their studies. For example, my daughter has the ability of attending different summer programs at her campus and at UTRGV. She has also been exposed to Vanguard’s Robotics program. Theses programs keep her excited in learning. I’ve also seen an increased of respect towards us and not to mention her fellow classmates and teachers. If I may add, respect is a big thing along with GOD being the center of Vanguard Acdemy. As a parent, walking in the campus I see how students respect the facility and staff. Vanguard student body open doors for parents and not to mention the first word that comes out of their mouths is, “ Sir” or “Ma’am”.
Vanguard Academy truly stands for what is Right. Ms Linda Gomez, prayer is very much apart of the school. GOD, PRAYER, RESPECT AND ACADEMICS.

Respectfully, Faithful Vanguard Parent.

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