About P.S. 102 Bayview
P.S. 102 Bayview ( Middle school ) is located at 55-24 Van Horn St, Queens, NY 11373, United States. It is categorised as : Public elementary school.
Other categories: Middle school, Elementary school, Kindergarten, Preschool, Public educational institution, School
Ratings & Ranking
P.S. 102 Bayview has a rating of 4.4 and is ranked number 5249 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
P.S. 102 Bayview is located at 55-24 Van Horn St, Queens, NY 11373, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Public elementary school, the school fees for P.S. 102 Bayview range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at P.S. 102 Bayview.
P.S. 102 Bayview Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between P.S. 102 Bayview and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
P.S. 102 Bayview has 41 reviews with an overall rating of 4.4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
The teachers genuinely care about the students–some more than others. If someone is having trouble in a certain subject, the teacher of that subject will not hesitate to help them get on the same level as the rest of the students. Not only that, but the adults here also help you with other things-they show concern when you’re feeling down, anxious, etc.,
The size of 102 is fairly small (~130 in a grade [at least for my graduating class]), which has its benefits, but also its downfalls. The small number of students per grade is less overwhelming, and everybody is supposedly more “connected” with each other. Not only that, but the chances of getting close with your teachers are greater, which is really great if you’re trying ace your classes!
As for my personal experience at 102, I can’t really say that it was the BEST, but I also can’t say that it was the worst. For one, there was an incident at my school that I think should have gotten attention earlier–there were even things that the teachers did not know about, such as cheating on the regents test. Secondly, some students can be bad influences to others, but it honestly depends on who is in your grade. Thirdly, each class is independent, and there are a lot of cliques and some of these groups don’t interact well with other groups. In addition, there aren’t many clubs/activities available. I get that it’s a small community, but there’s such a limited number of extracurricular activities that you can be a part of; for my graduating class, the only clubs we had in eighth grade were: basketball, chorus, band (primarily guitars), art, and student council. There were also other opportunities, such as being part of the track team, modern band, and helping out with the play or even being part of the play. It would be nice to see more extracurricular activities. Also, there aren’t that many events throughout the school year–in eighth grade, the main events we had were winter ball and the summer fling (which was basically a party for signing people’s yearbooks). Finally, the students have a tendency to hide things (especially middle schoolers), and I guess that’s kind of understandable–I mean, they’re merely teenagers, but I personally think that guidance counselors should get more involved especially since some people try to conceal their emotions during those years.
All in all, the teachers are great, but I wished that people were nicer to each other (especially in middle school). I also wished that there were more events and opportunities for middle schoolers. I don’t know if these may pose as struggles for people, but that’s just my opinion.