About The Forest Academy
The Forest Academy ( Primary school ) is located at 26 Thornton Rd, Barnsley S70 3NG, United Kingdom. It is categorised as : Independent.
Other categories: Primary school
Ratings & Ranking
The Forest Academy has a rating of 3 and is ranked number 18647 in the UK.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
The Forest Academy is located at 26 Thornton Rd, Barnsley S70 3NG, United Kingdom.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Independent, the school fees for The Forest Academy range between 21,000 GBP and 27,000 GBP . In Euros, the annual fees range for The Forest Academy is between 24,780 EUR and 31,860 EUR.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at The Forest Academy.
Parents & Students Reviews:
The Forest Academy has 2 reviews with an overall rating of 3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 3.0 out of 5.0 stars
The school has a poor safeguarding team and on multiple occasions could have acted to safe guard children over many years but failed to do so also my child has been coming out of school unzipped shoelaces untied has been bitten by another child which was played down as an accident then today he has told his teacher who is supposed to be first aid trained failed to send my child home after he told them his tummy hurt and felt sick they checked his temp by hand did not inform us as parents who would of been happy to pick him up and keep him at home due to having a long school run but my child ended up being sick on the journey home and has got scarlett’s fever there is also alot more as my other child has told us he is not getting the support in class he should be I would avoid this school especially if your child has extra needs or your family needs support