Avanti Gardens School, Bristol | Fees, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Avanti Gardens School is a Primary school in Bristol with a 2.8 rating.

About Avanti Gardens School

Avanti Gardens School ( Primary school ) is located at Avanti Gardens, College Rd, Bristol BS16 2JP, United Kingdom. It is categorised as : Independent.
Other categories: Primary school, Public educational institution, School

Ratings & Ranking

Avanti Gardens School has a rating of 2.8 and is ranked number 15565 in the UK.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Avanti Gardens School is located at Avanti Gardens, College Rd, Bristol BS16 2JP, United Kingdom.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Independent, the school fees for Avanti Gardens School range between 15,000 GBP and 20,000 GBP . In Euros, the annual fees range for Avanti Gardens School is between 17,700 EUR and 23,600 EUR.


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Admissions are currently open at Avanti Gardens School.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Avanti Gardens School has 5 reviews with an overall rating of 2.8. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 2.8 out of 5.0 stars
“Dear Mr Morris,
I am writing, as the founding Principal of Steiner Academy Bristol and now as a parent of a child in kindergarten, to express my profound disappointment about how parents have been treated demonstrated most recently in today’s letter.
The timing of the letter is terrible, and the cynically minded would assume that you do not wish to allow parents a right of reply. I am quite sure that for many parents, summer will be spent anxiously preoccupied with doubts and questions regarding the future of their child’s education at SAB. What could have been made clear is not made clear in today’s communication, and another opportunity for straight talking from the leadership of the school has not been missed.
As someone who has worked in education for a while and who has knowledge of SAB’s context, I have a good understanding of the direction of travel for the school. However, I fear that for some parents the way in which communications have been handled in recent months leave them in the dark and unable to make sensible choices. Sleight of hand seems to prevail, which suggests a lack of confidence in the initiatives and structures being proposed. The recent introduction of literacy in kindergarten was a good example of the slightly embarrassed and botched way in which new initiatives have been signaled. The lack of ownership and explanation of the decision meant that some parents felt manipulated, and confidence in the leadership of the school was undermined.
Your recent letter shrouded in doubt the fact that SAB will, in all likelihood, become a primary school. The aptly named ‘significant change process’ would not be taking place unless it was almost certain that Avanti wishes to run three primary schools. I do not see what purpose it serves to suggest this is still open to any negotiation. Absolute clarity is owed to those parents who have children going into the secondary phase. The paragraph entitled ‘Secondary Provision’ ought really to alert parents to the critical issue, which is that they need to apply for an alternative secondary school place immediately in the new term.
The school curriculum will be changing significantly in order that SAB is able to ‘improve radically on the KS2 outcomes in 2020’. Again, for the sake of absolute transparency, it would be helpful if the Avanti Curriculum Intent document referred to in your letter were attached to the letter sent out today. This would enable parents to remind themselves of Avanti’s intent and come to considered decisions about whether or not SAB remains the best place for their child. I, for example, would not want my child to participate in collective daily worship, and armed with the relevant information I can choose an alternative for him if necessary.
Your letter refers to the fact that SAB will be pressing ahead with Phonics screening, KS1 and KS2 testing. This seems to me to be one of the most significant and noteworthy departures from the original plans for the school, its ethos and its values. At the very least, I feel that parents need an explanation that is clear and straightforward that explains the need to make this departure. Many parents will understand and will weigh this up over the next few months and choose SAB as the right school for them. For some, it will be information that might mean they opt for an alternative school. To talk of the likelihood of changes needing to be made to the structure of the day is entirely evasive. The school will need to change its approach to accommodate an increased focus on literacy and numeracy, and there must already be some indication as to what these changes will be. Parents have the right to know now so that they can make informed choices. “
I used to go here and it was the worst
For the good teachers
I’m going to that school

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