About Steps Academy Inc.
Steps Academy Inc. ( Education center ) is located at 325 N Santa Anita Ave, Arcadia, CA 91006, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Education center, School
Ratings & Ranking
Steps Academy Inc. has a rating of 2.1 and is ranked number 11714 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 2.1 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Steps Academy Inc. is located at 325 N Santa Anita Ave, Arcadia, CA 91006, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Steps Academy Inc. range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Parents & Students Reviews:
Steps Academy Inc. has 50 reviews with an overall rating of 2.1. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 2.1 out of 5.0 stars2.1
As a former student of 5 years and current teacher/teacher’s assistant at Steps, I’ve definitely had an overall positive experience with the afterschool. I attribute much of my foundational knowledge in math and English vocabulary and grammar to what I learned at Steps. It seems tedious to kids, but repetitive practice in math is important to build the foundation you need for future algebra and calculus classes. Once you have that, you’re able to spend time learning new topics. As a fifth grader, I was learning algebra and trigonometry, which is what I liked about Steps; I was never limited by grade level to what I could learn, and it was very encouraging to get yellow pages and physically see the progress I was making. As for English, vocabulary, proper spelling, knowing grammar rules, reading comprehension, and critical thinking are all important not only in school but also in the real world, and those are all topics that Steps teaches.
From a teacher’s perspective, in my 4-5 years of teaching at Steps, I will say that my fellow TAs and I try our best to be kind and understanding to the students. We get that most of them have just come from six hours of school, and I myself have been in their position in the past. At the same time, we try and make sure that the student’s finish their school homework for the day and that they’re not disrupting each other from their assignments. We also give plenty of attention to students, spending hours grading their work and proofreading their essays, while also answering any questions they have and teaching them new material for the week.
In my opinion, the knowledge learned and study habits built while at Steps will make for an easier and smoother experience in school in the future, when students reach high school and college.
After proper school hours were subdued we were driven off in vans to the academy. Us students, all waited in trepidation for we knew that whence we arrived we would be subjected to a new kind of torment. A form unheard of, and one that would be etched into our memories. At our arrival we were rushed into the “white room” and given minimal time to do our proper work. They valued their packets and work over our officially assigned homework, and of course, this kind of system is bound to be ineffective. Yet, we proceeded on, blood, sweat, and tears. After the passing of a few hours, we received a break where we received a ration of a single cracker. We were famished, and envied those with enough money to purchase items elsewhere. The cracker was barely enough to suppress our hunger, and only introduced another issue, dehydration. The sheer arid dryness of the cracker made our mouths feel like the aftermath of the Battle of El Alamein, and we were desperate for some water. What did they offer? A list where we had to sign off on, and we lined up for a sip of the finest water they had to offer. Tap water. Only then were we able to sit still and await liberation by our parents. However, some of us were subjugated to a far worse fate. We were forced to stay until night and by then we were starving half to death, and only on “lucky” occasions we were offered a measly granola bar. It was enough to help us pull through for slightly longer. Until finally our parents stepped through and brought us back to safety. We would go home and sleep well, despite knowing the next day we would have to face this sort of torment once more. I must proudly say that I was there, and I survived.
I recently recommended Steps Academy’s after-school program to a friend for their child. However, after they checked the website reviews, they were surprised and didn’t understand why I suggested it. Curious, I looked at the reviews too. Most seemed emotional and were from students. As a parent involved in the tutoring, here’s what I’ve noticed. My child came from China in first grade, and his language skills were slow. Public school math was progressing slowly too. So, we joined Steps for after-school help. After a few months, my son’s reading improved a lot, and his math skills surpassed his classmates. We’re thankful to Steps. Choosing an after-school program should match your child’s abilities and your plans. Steps has high standards, meaning more homework, but it helps kids prepare for future high school courses. The classes are flexible; parents can talk to teachers to adjust the workload.The Steps staff is friendly and responsible. I hope my experience helps. If you expect a lot from your child, I recommend Steps.
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