Jordan High School, Sandy | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Jordan High School is a High school in Sandy with a 4.1 rating.

About Jordan High School

Jordan High School ( High school ) is located at 95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070, United States. It is categorised as : Public high school in Utah..
Other categories: High school, Public educational institution, School

Ratings & Ranking

Jordan High School has a rating of 4.1 and is ranked number 7468 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
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Overall Score

Address & Location

Jordan High School is located at 95 Beetdigger Blvd, Sandy, UT 84070, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public high school in Utah., the school fees for Jordan High School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Jordan High School.

Jordan High School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between residential areas and Jordan High School.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Jordan High School has 35 reviews with an overall rating of 4.1. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.1 out of 5.0 stars
I went to this school with high expectations. Hoping to have a fulfilling, happy, comfortable environment, hoping to learn valuable subjects I could use in my future career. In my freshman and sophomore year, were all filled with stress, crying, and torture. This school paints it to be this happy wonderful place, when deep down, its biased, rude, and impatient and fake. The faculty and teachers barely give a crap about what the students are learning, the math teachers don’t know what they’re teaching unless they have the “key” to the homework. I kid you not, my best friend in my sophomore math class knew more about the subject than the teacher. ALSO, the Drivers Ed, I ran home bawling my eyes out because these so called “instructors” have ZERO patience on ranges and roads, and SCREAM at their students, I know this because I got violently yelled at, because I was confused and he REFUSED to help me. The art teachers don’t care if you have your own style, if you don’t draw a certain way, there’s a for sure thing you’re going to get a C in that class. World Civ teachers sit and do NOTHING, I learned NOTHING in World Civ at this school. This school was horrendous, barely any of the teachers CARE if you learn anything, all they care about it payment. I can guarantee you majority of the people I know, strongly hated this school. Its cheap, washed up, and is absolutely nothing. If you even THINK about bringing your kids here, i suggest you think twice, because your children will go home exhausted, stressed out, and crying. Because that’s what I did, everyday. This isn’t an opinion. This is experience. Don’t go to this school, take your kids to a safe and happy environment where they will learn how to be educated properly.
WORST STAFF! I graduated from there 3 years ago, and I still get treated with ZERO respect. I went in to have my transcripts mailed to the college I am going to. The Registrar was VERY unprofessional with me, talking down to me and talking with a attitude and rude tone. I called and was just concerned, no attitude, and she was disrespectful and flat out rude. Not to mention, I had to call the operator twice to even just get a hold of her. That school was a joke when I went there, nothing has changed. I am SO embarrassed to tell people I went there because of how awful this damn was ans still is and will forever be, probably. GOOD JOB JORDAN HIGH.
This school is the best. I had so many great teachers. And they had so many fun activities going on. And most of the other students I met where nice and respectful. There were somethings that I didn’t like, but I sure everyone who is a teenager would feel the same way. And this school has the most unique mascot ever, Digger Dan (but I might be bias, since I was him senior year). Come on I challenge you to find another school with beets, really I dare you.

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