Newlands Primary School, Preston | Fees, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Newlands Primary School is a Primary school in Preston with a 4.3 rating.

About Newlands Primary School

Newlands Primary School ( Primary school ) is located at 2/26 Murphy St, Preston West VIC 3072, Australia.
Other categories: Primary school, School

Ratings & Ranking

Newlands Primary School has a rating of 4.3 and is ranked number 2650 in Preston.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Newlands Primary School is located at 2/26 Murphy St, Preston West VIC 3072, Australia.

Schools Fees

The annual school fees for Newlands Primary School in Preston will be updated shortly. For guidance, the annual public schools range between AUD $2000 and AUD $5000 per year while the fees in Catholic and independent (or ‘private’) schools range between AUD $4000 to AUD $20,000 per annum. Established private schools charge upwards of AUD $20,000+ per annum.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Newlands Primary School.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Newlands Primary School has 18 reviews with an overall rating of 4.3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.3 out of 5.0 stars
Went to this school after getting bullied at the school down the road from them in grade 4 and I completely changed everything about me. I became a proper leader and a highly popular person. The school is so friendly and everyone you meet is friendly and awesome. The Spanish learning is awesome to see and I’m glad it still goes on although I’ve forgotten most of it in the 2 years passed. I still miss this place.
I have dreams about this school (it appears in most of my dreams even if the dreams not about it) and don’t go outside I wanna go back I don’t wanna grow up I wanna be a little kid again it makes me wanna die uwu owo and yes I have attempted teehee but now the school looks mid like ew whyre u making it uglier and just eugh and please get rid of the 456 situation it makes a lot of grade 6s insecure for being with grade 4s not me tho when I was put with a bunch of grade 4s I didn’t care I didn’t do any school work at all (not the schools fault I just am very avoidant with stuff) ik im over sharing lmao but like yah I’ve not been outside properly since my first year of highschool 🙂 and now im being forced to go to therapy 🙁
The quality of the teachers at Newlands is fabulous. The administrators are great.The standard of education is very high.
Our son transferred there from a tiny rural school. He loved it
I love Newlands!! The teachers are lovely and all the kids seem to really have a great time, all while learning both Spanish and English. My child is a great reader and is exceptional with numbers (we are an English speaking family, and yet the Spanish has not in the slightest slowed her down in developing) – she sat in a group of other kids from different schools and was by far on the top level of ability. Considering she doesnt read at home much at all, and is usually a pretty lazy kid at home; I was quite surprised!
She’s not very good at Spanish yet, but it’s the challenge she needs as she otherwise would get bored. I can’t say anything about kids with learning difficulties, but on the whole us parents are usually pretty happy to send our kids to such a wonderful learning environment.
They get two teachers, an English and a Spanish speaker, they seem to have a great balance of male and female teachers, the vice principal Luke is incredible how he knows every kid by name and for right now they seem to have plenty of run around space.
The only problem is the once petite school is now catching on, kids from far and wide, particularly native Spanish speaking parents opting to send their kids there; we are becoming quite the large school. I guess reviews like this are to blame!!

Great school for a diverse group of families. Also great if you’re from an LGBTQ+ (rainbow) family as the community is not close minded.

I still go to this school and I saw me in the picture! This school was is amazing and the Spanish has been balanced teachers have respected students and helped them a lot. So much kids learning and not getting judge for who they are. I love this school a lot and still do since I’m in 5th grade at Newlands primary school right now I used to be scared to talk about emotions until the school opened me up and helped me talk to people about those things!

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