Big Red Barn Preschool, Yuma | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Big Red Barn Preschool is a Preschool in Yuma with a 4 rating.

About Big Red Barn Preschool

Big Red Barn Preschool ( Preschool ) is located at 2175 S Arizona Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Preschool

Ratings & Ranking

Big Red Barn Preschool has a rating of 4 and is ranked number 39224 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
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Overall Score

Address & Location

Big Red Barn Preschool is located at 2175 S Arizona Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Big Red Barn Preschool range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at Big Red Barn Preschool.

Big Red Barn Preschool Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Big Red Barn Preschool and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Big Red Barn Preschool has 8 reviews with an overall rating of 4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.0 out of 5.0 stars
I just toured this preschool and was extremely disappointed. I love the concept of a farm-based environment and a supposed curriculum that fosters appreciation for our environment, but sadly, I was overwhelmingly unimpressed. First, the director was anything but friendly and seemed irritated/put-out that I would ask to meet with her and schedule a tour. I thought things would be better in person, but even as we met and she walked me through the center she was anything but welcoming, nor did she bother asking a single thing about my child, a potential student.

Secondly, the facility itself seemed dirty, cluttered, and loud. The inside reeked of rabbit cages that hadn’t been changed in who knows how long. The outside patio also felt dirty and cluttered with old dusty and rusted toys (tricycles). The outside farm area seemed well maintained; however, I was disappointed that for a farm-based school, two pigs and a few ducks were the only outside animals. The inside, in addition to the smell, also felt dirty and cluttered and crammed. The individual age group areas are partitioned off by white picket fences – a cute idea in theory, but not conducive to a learning environment as there is no way to contain or stifle the noise from each classroom. So instead, you get a large open room with a very high noise level. I imagine this could be very overwhelming and too much stimulation for some children.

Third, when I asked about the curriculum I was old they do not use one, yet the website boasts of “embracing the concept of discovery-based learning…”. I asked about learning theories used for designing curriculum, and again, nothing. I tried to get examples of lesson plans and they had nothing to provide. I was also curious about their teaches’ educational background and experience, and the director would not give me a direct answer until I pushed and prodded. In fact, it seemed that every question I asked was met with defensiveness and condescension. That is my biggest complaint. Perhaps I could have been able to look past some of the concerns I just shared had the Director been kind and inviting, and treated me with respect, but if I am not made to feel welcome, I have serious doubts that my child would be treated differently.

Leslie Short: I am sorry to hear you had a bad experience at the Big Red Barn. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and compassion. I hope that you will give us an opportunity to correct this with you in person.
We have many amazing things to offer but we are not for everyone. Yes our building has an open floor plan so there is no sound separation from class to class however the children are not stuck in one room all day either. They transition to different areas in the school such as a separate library area, arts and craft area, outside with plants/animals and the dining room. At the Big Red Barn we have two horses, a miniature donkey, two goats, a dozen chickens, three peacocks, two pigs, four ducks, 3 dogs, fish tanks, and birds. We do have rabbits that are outside animals they are temporarily inside because they will be getting veterinarian care this week. We do have a full-time veterinarian care for the health, well being and safety of our animals. We also employ a full time animal person to handle daily clean up and repairs. During the summer we spend time refinishing, re painting and cleaning our outside toys and playground area while children are not using it due to the summer heat warnings. So yes I might agree things are in a state of transition getting ready for the new school year. We also employ a full time cleaning lady to keep our school at its best.
Again I apologize if you did not feel you got the answers you were looking for regarding curriculum and education of our staff. I will be more than happy to further discuss that with you just for clarification. Our concept of hands on learning our open floor plan ideas, transitions and animals are what makes us different. This concept is not for everyone and that’s ok. However respecting others views even if they are different and being factual are things that should be taken in consideration when posting reviews. Even if you decide to not be a part of our program I would like a chance to make right any misconceptions you may have regarding our program. Thank you
In response to Bennett Burkholders review, I am having trouble seeing the truth in his statements. There is a camera in every single room of The Big Red Barn where the office staff can see the students and employees at all times, as well as the parking lot. You can easily see the entire computer screen at the front desk is a live video feed from each camera.

You have to pass the front desk, talk to your students teacher as well as sign in and out your child, this seems simple because when the staff knows you it’s a quick process. Signing in and out of students is how all preschools or daycares I have ever seen handle drop-off and pick up. If an unfamiliar face were to ask for your child you can rest assured they would not be released.

There has been two cases of outside vandalism where items have been stolen from the front of the building occurring at night and both caught on camera, not considered a break-in. Once two wooden cows were stolen, and once the Christmas decorations were removed from the property. Besides calling the authorities and handing over the surveillance tape, I an not sure what other measures you can take against after hour vandals. I have no basis to comment on his communication problem with the staff, or FB posting.

I can say that the children are happy, health, learning, and engaging with the animals on a daily basis at Big Red Barn. Both my children have attended the school for years. I can tell you when my oldest started Kindergarten there were exactly 4 students in is class who could write there name and pass other skills on the first day, and all 4 of them had attended Big Red Barn for Preschool. As with most things in life including public or social media reviews… you can’t please everyone 100% of the time. I responded to Bennet’s review because some of his statements are untrue and misleading.

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