Horizon Science Academy, Chicago | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Horizon Science Academy is a Charter school in Chicago with a 4 rating.

About Horizon Science Academy

Horizon Science Academy ( Charter school ) is located at 2245 W Pershing Rd, Chicago, IL 60609, United States. It is categorised as : Public charter school.
Other categories: Charter school

Ratings & Ranking

Horizon Science Academy has a rating of 4 and is ranked number 5841 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Horizon Science Academy is located at 2245 W Pershing Rd, Chicago, IL 60609, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public charter school, the school fees for Horizon Science Academy range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at Horizon Science Academy.

Horizon Science Academy Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Horizon Science Academy and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Horizon Science Academy has 42 reviews with an overall rating of 4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.0 out of 5.0 stars
To A Reilly: I have the right to say what I think. If you have had a great experience with the school then good for you! But you CANNOT speak on the issues I had because you have no idea what I went through. I wrote my comment as soon as I finished arguing with the principal, and I was so upset that I didn’t take the time to proofread it because at that moment I only wanted to let my frustration out. However, if my grammar was so bad I don’t think you would had been able to understand anything I said, but it seems like you did. So please speak ONLY for yourself not for me. I said good stuff as well about the school but not everything is as beautiful as you describe it. Also you DO NOT know my son, and the issues I had WERE NOT about him. The director blame the kid before the issue even happen. I spoke to him about a future situation and he answered blaming the kids when the disorganization of the events and clubs are responsibility of the staff and not the child. My son is a brilliant student as well but that is because “I” am on top of it. I had NEVER had a situation were he has been disrespectful to any teacher.
Another issue I had, if you must know, is the misplace of important documents on hands of the staff, so please tell me how is that my son’s fault?? Those documents were part of a report that should had been done by the school social worker, but either she never did it or they lost them because there was NO record of them even though they assured me MANY TIMES that they were working on them every single time I asked them.
I said clearly that there are many good things the school has to offer, yet that does not mean is a “perfect” school.
So it is wonderful that YOUR experience has been so great, mine wasn’t. So before you reply to someone’s comment, make sure you know what actually happened instead of giving an opinion out of ignorance. You should know that every situation is different. I talked about mine, and you should limit yourself to talk about yours only.
Thank you.

As much as I want to like this school I CANNOT.. this will be the third year my son goes to this school and as much as we want to think “oh, next year is gonna be better, they r just knew” is NOT getting better. The director will make you feel welcome and encourage you to come talk to him about any problem but as soon as you tell him something is wrong HE WILL NOT HELP YOU…. HE WONT… he will blame your child for the disorganization of the teachers… Also if there is an ongoing research about your child they will not give you their paper work.. they will not have any record and they will only make you believe that they are actually working…
I love what this school has to offer, and the image and colors look really good … However, it is NOT worth it… the teacher some are pretty good, but some really don’t know what they are doing…. most of the teachers are new with no experience at all… I’m very disappointed …. I really wanted to talk wonderful things about it… but the truth is that I feel the director cares only about the money he can get out of the school than to deal with the actual issues .. he makes a joke out of everything and only puts a friendly face if you have nothing to complain about.. other than that forget that he exist…

As a former student of HSA I can very gladly say it is not a safe, fun, or even a tolerable learning environment for anybody. Majority of the people rating the school 5 stars is literally the teachers. I, myself, was not able to graduate from this school simply because of the fact that the bullying was so bad. Not only from the students , but from the teachers themselves. As I was there from 7th – 10th grade , there was many things you would never want your child to encounter. There was a time where 5 8th graders were expelled for using/selling drugs in the school hallways AND WERE LET BACK FOR HIGHSCHOOL. There was not once, but two times where more than half the students stayed home from school because there was a school shooting rumor. I, myself, was stabbed in the thigh with a pocket knife in the lunch room by another student. The teachers are physically abusive. This school is filled with nothing but gang banging students and teachers who don’t know what they are doing .
I went here from the first year it opened to 2019, and it was a pretty decent experience overall. I had brilliant friends, great teachers, and a variety of opportunities from school clubs/programs to out-of-state competitions. However, the office staff were often rude, and certain other staff and teachers weren’t very professional — one of the two PE teachers at the time (not sure if he’s still here) seemed very pervy towards girls and judgmental towards those who are trying their best. Additionally, some students were incredibly problematic, and this school houses bad kids such as ones who carry knives and drugs on campus; it was really gross. But from the years I’d been here, I did enjoy my time here, and I would recommend it only if I knew how it was holding up now — reading these new reviews has me a little worried about the current state of this school.

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