kelsie parramore, Riverton | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

kelsie parramore is a Middle school in Riverton with a 2.9 rating.

About kelsie parramore

kelsie parramore ( Middle school ) is located at 12949 2700 W, Riverton, UT 84065, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Middle school, School

Ratings & Ranking

kelsie parramore has a rating of 2.9 and is ranked number 10984 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

kelsie parramore is located at 12949 2700 W, Riverton, UT 84065, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for kelsie parramore range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at kelsie parramore.

kelsie parramore Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between kelsie parramore and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

kelsie parramore has 38 reviews with an overall rating of 2.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 2.9 out of 5.0 stars
This school is pretty good, as far as a school goes. I’m a student there, and would like to give an honest review.
There is little to no bullying, the administration does their job well. They are clearly trying to make the school a better place, seeing as they probably had influence on the many posters in the halls telling people to Not push in the halls or swear.
It has an okay learning environment, but it’s a public school, so, like always, the classes are quite crowded. (Usually ~20 – 30 students per class. The optimum number of students per class is 15, but you probably won’t be finding many public school that try to stay around that number.)
Most of the teachers do their job, and people get taught. There is complaint about the teaching ability of a few teachers, which I understand. One teacher has had multiple bouts of cancer, and continues teaching. She does not have a proper ability to teach anymore because of this, and many students have had problems getting good grades in this teacher’s class. Most of the teachers are very fair with rules and strictness, even if others tell you different. The main problem I see is that these people are usually in loud classes where teachers have to be strict in order to teach. There are a few teachers/administrators that I find rather creepy, but that may just be me.
There is a wide variety of subjects you can choose from, including three different world languages: Chinese, French, and Spanish. There is also many different fine arts classes to take if you so choose. There is many capable teachers to teach the core subjects like Math, Science, and History.
The student government is slightly flawed, I would admit that it is more of a popularity contest. However, I can’t say that they don’t do anything good for the school. Most of them are pretty good people, and try to help the entire school.
Overall,this is a very good school. The students are well cared for, they are taught protocols for emergencies, and they are taught.
I had a good time at this school I do have to say that there are some teachers that are not to good and can be hell if you get there class(I’m talking to you Beltran 🙁 ). This is an amazing school I never see bullying but you may sometime catch a kid that may or may not be high. There are lots of great teachers and a lovely staff. Though some teachers are not so good I still learned what I needed to and more. They provide lots of fun classes for all types of students. If I had to suggest any school this one would be the one just don’t get Beltran
i like the school. not my fave tho…i would say that Mrs. Beltran is ok (to those people who are hatin on her), but she could be a bit better. there is a BOAT LOAD of frickin homiework (which makes it hard to have fam time after school :/), but there are some AMAZING teachers here. namely: Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Latz, Mrs. Stirland, and MR ROGHAAR! srsly, if u get an art class, GET ROGHAAR. HE IS SO C O O L!!!!

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