About Miss Mae’s Pre-K
Miss Mae’s Pre-K ( Preschool ) is located at 2337 Pass Rd F, Biloxi, MS 39531, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Preschool
Ratings & Ranking
Miss Mae’s Pre-K has a rating of 4.2 and is ranked number 12373 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Miss Mae’s Pre-K is located at 2337 Pass Rd F, Biloxi, MS 39531, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Miss Mae’s Pre-K range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Miss Mae’s Pre-K.
Miss Mae’s Pre-K Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Miss Mae’s Pre-K and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Miss Mae’s Pre-K has 24 reviews with an overall rating of 4.2. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
There were some early red flags that, in retrospect, I wish we would have paid more attention to. For example, when our son struggled with the 2-hour rest time, we were told that this amount of time was state mandated. After doing our own research and speaking with parents at several other schools in the area, we learned that this is not true. In fact, many education professionals I spoke with were shocked that any pre-k or kindergarten would require this, much less a Montessori program. In fairness, the teachers did work with us to find activities that would occupy our son for these 2 hours while other children napped, but eventually we had to begin picking him up early. Other parents whose children also couldn’t stay quiet during rest time also picked their children up early, so this was not an isolated issue. On this point, my advice to parents would be to be aware of this requirement and think carefully about whether you think your child would struggle to play quietly in a dimly lit room for 2 hours if he or she does not nap.
As the year progressed, there was increasing inconsistency in staffing. Particularly concerning, Miss Mae herself was missing for about a month with no replacement, leaving two teachers for a full class of pre-schoolers and kindergarteners. She only communicated about her absence after parents began to ask questions and voice concerns. This absence lasted for at least 10 weeks, and we were never provided with a return date. We are sympathetic to the personal issues Miss Mae may have been dealing with at this point, but the almost complete lack of communication was immensely concerning. During this time, although we were never concerned for our son’s wellbeing, the quality of the activities, amount of outdoor time, and the number of updates we received via the app significantly decreased.
Ultimately, with the departure of our son’s favorite teachers two weeks before the end of the school year, and Miss Mae herself still gone with no estimated return date, we chose to keep our son home for the rest of the year, and withdraw him from the summer program. Given Miss Mae’s stellar reputation (as evidenced by the many 5 star reviews she has on this page) we had been planning to send our son to her for kindergarten. However, we chose to lose our enrollement fee and send him to another program (other families who did the same were told the enrollement fee is non-refundable, and this is also clearly stated in the parent handbook).
Although we definitely understand there may have been some extenuating circumstances on a personal level that affected the quality of the school this year, the way these were handled were concerning and in the end we lost trust in the leadership at the school. The inconsistency in staffing and lack of communication was worrisome especially given the young age of the children and the important role these teachers play in their lives. We wish all the teachers well and we hope the necessary changes are made to help the school live up to its former reputation.
I find it ironic that youre so set on calling out lies, yet you continue to lie. Of all the reasons you eventually shared after ghosting the school, this is the first Im hearing of a serious illness. And no, I dont need to know details, but if youre going to tell tales, stick to one.
If this was one mistake-fine. Our experience was months of shadiness and lack of communication, and people should be aware of that before choosing to send their child into any school ran by you.
Our experience is just as valid as all of the five star reviews that have recently been posted by people who havent had kids in your school in years (so weird theyre motivated to review YEARS later and all at the same time-Im sure no one asked they do that hmm).