Tej Acton Academy, Campbell | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Tej Acton Academy is a Private educational institution in Campbell with a 5 rating.

About Tej Acton Academy

Tej Acton Academy ( Private educational institution ) is located at 1 W Campbell Ave L-54, Campbell, CA 95008, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Private educational institution, Combined primary and secondary school, Elementary school, Kindergarten, Middle school, Montessori school

Ratings & Ranking

Tej Acton Academy has a rating of 5 and is ranked number 53364 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Tej Acton Academy is located at 1 W Campbell Ave L-54, Campbell, CA 95008, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Tej Acton Academy range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Tej Acton Academy.

Tej Acton Academy Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Tej Acton Academy and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Tej Acton Academy has 3 reviews with an overall rating of 5. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 0.0 out of 5.0 stars0.0
Tej Acton Academy has been the best thing that happened to our family. I grew up learning a lot about the Indian Ashram Style Education System from India. I also knew that math & science (aka education driven towards high paying jobs and the modern definition of success) were not the end-all for happiness and healthy living.

Though our kids attended school in the very sought out,Cupertino School District – I was always looking for something else. Something that wouldn’t strip my kids of their essence. I wanted something that would cultivate them into human beings on all-levels (their qualities, their purpose, their creativity, and soft skills). Traditional Education is good, but what if I could give them something much better?

We live in an area where by all modern standards, many of us are “successful.” We drive nice cars, live in large homes, vacation often, buy what we want and do what we want. We are thriving in our jobs, but we are miserable inside, and at home.

If I could find an education system that would allow my kids to be financially stable, mentally strong, and emotionally stable – why wouldn’t I choose that? I saw the potential in Acton Academy.

My kids have been attending Tej Acton Academy in San Jose, for almost two years now. Here is what I feel they are gaining, and much more

1.) They love going to school. There is absolutely 0 stress. Many studies have shown that when kids are stressed, they are unable to learn. With many schools and classrooms, kids are too anxious and worried to be able to fully enjoy their learning.
2.) They absolutely love learning, they ask questions that are mature and thought-provoking. Both my daughters are advancing in their respective grade levels, and beyond.
3.) Curriculum is unrestricted and wordly. They get to source their learning from all around the world.
4.) They set their goals and manage their time. This may seem counter-intuitive. But one of the bases of Acton Academy is also proven – that if you give kids the right environment, and the right tools …they can fuel their own learning. I have seen this first hand.
5.) Because they are not helicoptered at school and told how to organize and manage their time or tools, they “fall” often – which means they get up better, stronger and faster.
6.) They are having conversations I wish I had growing up. Yes, I am also “successful” by modern definitions. But do I wish I had had meaningful conversations about what it means to be a human being, what my place is in the world, how I can find my skill/passion and do something for my community. They start their morning with conversations about what a good friend looks like, what qualities are important in the people that surround them, who is responsible in certain conflict situations, whose responsibility is it to take care of the earth, etc.
7.) They are learning all the soft skills we often hear are lacking in today’s youth such as time management, networking, teamwork, creative thinking and conflict resolution.

Never more than now, is it essential that we teach our children how to be good human beings, that are emotionally and mentally capable. If we keep focusing only on academics and financial success – we will have a lot of adults that know how to go to work and spend money, but they won’t know how to thrive on a personal and spiritual plane. This, I’m afraid, will lead to more of the kind of suffering we see already today. Let’s make it different for our children!!

I never imagined I would pay for private school for my kids, especially living in an area that has so many “great” schools for free. But, when I think “what do I want for my children?” As a mom, the answer is “I want my. kids to be happy, and I want them to know how to handle adversity and come out the other side thriving instead of just barely surviving. When I look at their education from this perspective, I know, without a doubt in my mind, Tej Acton Academy is where they will cultivate this.

I value how the instructors instill leadership skills, allowing the students to take initiative in the classroom, encouraging daily discussions, having the students take ownership of their projects and then giving presentations in front of their peers, family and visitors. My son is having fun while learning many subjects. Homework is not assigned, and now we have quality family time after school and evenings. At his previous school, he received good grades, but it was not enjoyable. I’m so glad to have found a new path for my son.
My 5 year old daughter started going to school for the first time here at Tej Acton. She absolutely loves going to school everyday and can’t wait to tell us what she learns everyday. The school is very clean and you can tell the guides were carefully chosen to guide these children on their journey of education. The guides love the kids and are passionate about the childrens learning process. Small class sizes are a huge bonus. Would definitely recommend!

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