About Schimelpfenig Middle School
Schimelpfenig Middle School ( Middle school ) is located at 2400 Maumelle Dr, Plano, TX 75023, United States. It is categorised as : Public middle school.
Other categories: Middle school, High school
Ratings & Ranking
Schimelpfenig Middle School has a rating of 4.4 and is ranked number 10470 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 4.4 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Schimelpfenig Middle School is located at 2400 Maumelle Dr, Plano, TX 75023, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Public middle school, the school fees for Schimelpfenig Middle School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Schimelpfenig Middle School.
Schimelpfenig Middle School Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Schimelpfenig Middle School and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Schimelpfenig Middle School has 26 reviews with an overall rating of 4.4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 4.4 out of 5.0 stars4.4
It’s not really a supportive environment. If you try to express opinions that are different from yours, most of the people I’ve encountered will shut you down. Many of the kids are mean and immature. Not all of them are, and I’ve encountered some extremely bright ones, but many are. Although the school has tried to fix it, some kids have been vaping. Many kids that I know have been bullied, and the counseling program tries to help, but can’t. Adults don’t understand kids that bully others, make bad choices and misbehave. Those kids don’t learn from punishment. They take it and move on, but with even more disregard for the rules and more hate for their target. Running to the adults for a higher punishment never works, which is why most kids don’t do it, but there really isn’t any lasting help for kids that are being bullied. There really isn’t a program for kids that have mental issues like anxiety and depression, either. The current theme, “GRIT,” makes kids that have depression feel like they need to be happy when they can’t. Some teachers have kids waste their time on juvenile projects like Valentine’s hearts when they could be learning. In math, the textbooks are convoluted and hard to understand. The teachers load you up with homework so that at least one night a week, you’re up all night doing it. The PE program is useless, too. The teachers don’t do health, even though they’ve said they would, and did in previous years. When the fields have mud puddles, “the weather is bad and we can’t go outside.” The food tastes like and probably has the nutritional value of trash. The dean is mean, rude, and unsupportive. Recently, a few kids decided it would be a good idea to photoshop some teachers. As a result, phones have been banned. The whole grade suffers for something a select group of people did. Adults don’t understand kids like that, either. They don’t get that those kids don’t care that their classmates are suffering, and the students never isolate the perpetrators. There’s never enough money for the art program, and I realize that that’s a district problem, but it’s still a problem. The art teacher is at the school until 7 o’clock sometimes, trying to clean up and take care of everyone’s projects. She’s wonderful, and one of the few amazing teachers at this school, but she can’t do a lot of projects because the art program is underfunded. For kids like me, to whom the art program is a way to relieve stress and express ourselves, this is a big deal. It’s really undervalued. The school has thrown away the history program by letting the PE coaches teach the on-level instead of hiring actual teachers, and they do an awful job. Most of the teachers treat the Honors kids like they’re better than the regulars, and the way the school casts away the on-level history program and hire actual teachers for the Honors kids reflects that.
The principal actually listens to the students, but due to the stereotype about principles, most kids are too afraid to go to him for help. He’s also one of the only adults at this school that actually treat the kids as if they’re intelligent and can have good opinions. Some of the English teachers are also due credit for being phenomenal, but some teachers don’t care about their subject or students. Some are too relaxed, and some are incredibly and unreasonably strict. Some have favorite students, some of whom are actually nasty to their fellow students. When I had a concussion and needed to be pulled out, they lied and tried to get me to stay, and made me feel like I was just a sales figure. The curriculum pressures kids into choosing a college even before they know what kind of program they want or what colleges are right for them. In short, this school is probably not the worst, but some of my worst memories about this place. If I could give it 0 stars, I would. The only good thing about it is the few amazing teachers and the art program, however undervalued it may be.
One time I came here to use the restroom, and I was drawn to it like a bath fly. I’m not sure why, but I think it’s the food (not that it’s great, but food’s food). I also like this place because the teachers are always changing grades, and usually, change is evolution. I believe that soon enough, this place will be more advanced than some other schools, at least one. Sometimes i’ll look back and think how they grow up so fast (I certainly do(did)). This place isn’t too fat (with a ph). I like the students here because… those who are my phriends (with a ph), are nice, funny, kind, hilarious,etc. I’ve been sitting here for 17 minutes and wasted my time, thanks, your winner. I really lick Ice cream a lot sometimes.
I r8 this school 8 out of 8 no h8 m8. it’s gr8! it obviously is cool because people like — well everybody — went there. go here! it’s amazing!
“If geniuses could fly, this place would be busier than atlanta airport.”
-Pranav Jagada, student from 2012-2015
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