About Little Genius Academy-Edison
Little Genius Academy-Edison ( Preschool ) is located at 38 Vineyard Rd, Edison, NJ 08817, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Preschool
Ratings & Ranking
Little Genius Academy-Edison has a rating of 3.9 and is ranked number 16294 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Little Genius Academy-Edison is located at 38 Vineyard Rd, Edison, NJ 08817, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Little Genius Academy-Edison range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Little Genius Academy-Edison.
Little Genius Academy-Edison Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Little Genius Academy-Edison and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Little Genius Academy-Edison has 21 reviews with an overall rating of 3.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Through the years that we have been coming to LGA, we have gotten to know the owner/director, Miss Angela, and several of the teachers and administrative staff. It is clearly no accident that LGA is as successful as it is. Miss Angela is always there and takes a very hands on approach with every aspect of the school. Any time we have had a problem or concern, Miss Angela was extremely attentive and responsive in addressing our needs. All of the teachers that both of our girls have had took a genuine interest in their well being. They greet the children with a welcoming smile in the morning and they stay on top of their game in meeting the childrens needs throughout the day. The administrative staff is courteous and professional and come across as warm and caring to the children – and they seem to know every childs name…very impressive
The facility is clean and nice. The staffs are nice, but I think the place is too crowded with kids but not enough of staffs to give enough attention to each kid. And they could not keep up with their words and their works. For example, they said they do photo and video weekly but more like one photo a month.
They have a website for parents to check for their kids daily status. But they just update “wet diaper”, “ate food”, “took nap”, pretty much it. Oh! and “sleep with her pacifier”!!!! LOL, I did not provide a pacifier for my 2.5 year old to school and she stopped pacifier since 6 months old. Where did that came from?! So they just randomly update stuff on that website to fool the parents?
They said they will help with potty training. Since the bathroom are so close and the toilets are kid sizes, I though she will be fine. By September, she able to be diaper free at home and even going out, but yet, still need diaper in school. I asked the teacher, she just replied that my daughter never tell them when she need to go.
I look forward to her learning and growing with the LGA family. I love and appreciate all of her teachers. Brelyn loves her school and they love her Back!