About Eugene School District 4J
Eugene School District 4J ( School district office ) is located at 200 N Monroe St, Eugene, OR 97402, United States. It is categorised as : Public school district in Eugene, Oregon..
Other categories: School district office
Ratings & Ranking
Eugene School District 4J has a rating of 2.6 and is ranked number 8878 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Eugene School District 4J is located at 200 N Monroe St, Eugene, OR 97402, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Public school district in Eugene, Oregon., the school fees for Eugene School District 4J range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Eugene School District 4J.
Eugene School District 4J Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Eugene School District 4J and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Eugene School District 4J has 49 reviews with an overall rating of 2.6. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
With that said, public school system are no different than the post office, so why people would expect them to be is foolish.
It cost, on average, 18000 dollars per student, per year to send them to a public school.
It cost, on average, 5000 a year for a child to go to private school.
Public schools are bad, for one, because they have no competition and two, don’t have the worry of going out of business.
Private schools are better because they have competion and will close if they are bad.
I really urge people, since government theft doesn’t look like it’s stopping any time soon, to contact and demand that all public schools be closed.
If the government would give 5000 dollar vouchers to parents, per child, for a private school of the parents choice, (the lowest that is spent to send a child to public school is just under 8000 per year) I think we would see great improvement in education.
If parents don’t like the school because it’s bad, then they won’t end up spending the money there and the school will go out of business. Chances are they will want your money, so they will do what they need to improve.
This saves the victims who are being robbed, on average, 13000 per student, per year. I highly doubt that’s what the government really spends and the public school system is a front . As I can’t see how a private school, a good one, can thrive on 5000, but at 18000 a public one is horrible, but that’s a different topic.
As for the trachers in 4j, I have met some great ones that I loved and a couple that had no business being around children. My above statement’s, I believe would weed that out as well.
As a blended-extended family where both parents have remarried, even with a court order showcasing access with no restrictions the school does not disclose appropriate information to both sets of parents and communicates in a very discriminatory manner. The principal is very rude, very judgemental and discriminates towards non-custodial parents. Let me repeat, year after year we have been discriminated against. The teachers are a joke, huge class sizes, inability to contain and control their classrooms. Unable to address students needs, students are not taught to abide by deadlines, we consistently get notified due dates have been pushed back were talking by weeks and months! Projects dont get finished, homework is very laxed and afterschool activities seem to take precedent over actual school work. How can we expect to raise a generation of hard workers when they arent being taught to follow deadlines, finish their work and dont have consequences for not turning in work?