Academy of Advanced Learning, Aurora | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Academy of Advanced Learning (Charter school) is in Aurora and has a 2.6 rating.

About Academy of Advanced Learning

Academy of Advanced Learning ( Charter school ) is located at 431 Sable Blvd, Aurora, CO 80011, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Charter school, Public educational institution

Ratings & Ranking

Academy of Advanced Learning has a rating of 2.6 and is ranked number 5997 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
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  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Academy of Advanced Learning is located at 431 Sable Blvd, Aurora, CO 80011, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Academy of Advanced Learning range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at Academy of Advanced Learning.

Academy of Advanced Learning Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Academy of Advanced Learning and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Academy of Advanced Learning has 64 reviews with an overall rating of 2.6. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 2.6 out of 5.0 stars
(UPDATE 1/24/2018)
We have removed our son from this school. If you want a school that is run like the last stop for your child before prison, this is absolutely the place for you. Ms.Niewinski and Mr. Craddock (the principals) are frankly principals at the wrong school. They appear to be caring people who seem to have their hands tied by incredibly ridiculous policies. I have understood the need for discipline when it comes to a serious school setting, but suspending a 5 year old once every 2 weeks or so for 3 days is NOT appropriate- I have been to many public schools and not one of them seems to advocate suspension the way this place does (Despite doing NOTHING about a few other children physically putting their hands on our child, including one who wrapped his hands around our son’s neck and CHOKED HIM IN FRONT OF US). Ever since our son started to show that he was different and has difficulties, it’s felt as if he has been specifically targeted for removal. That sounds very paranoid, but when the CEO, Mr. Miles decides to suspend my son for, at 5 years old, becoming frustrated with a subject that is difficult for him and tearing up his paper, I don’t feel I’m too off the mark. Our son does have some special needs, the full details we are still trying to work out with his doctors, but this school reassured us that they would be equipped to handle a child with special needs. They are not, not in the least.
However, since my last review, I have actually seen much less of the “learning aides” or “learning coaches” and my son hasn’t come home after wetting his pants in fear of them, so apparently they got that handled. Front desk is still a hell of a mess half the time. Everything in the school seems to be community property, including my son’s sensory “calm down” box. Once child purposefully destroyed one of the items, another stole one, and the rest just take them without asking. This isn’t the first time he’s had his things taken, though, it’s the first time we’ve actually gotten angry. We tried very hard to make this school work for our son, but it seems most of their promises are just words. The place is run like a boot camp.
However, their core curriculum is fantastic. Our 5 year old son halfway through kindergarten can do addition, subtraction, build sentences, identify the parts of a sentence, and even do some light reading on his own. Imagine what they could’ve done for him if they didn’t rely so heavily on suspension! If you want a kid who is too scared to show emotion but is beyond grade level at math and English, this is absolutely the place for you! It is not the place for us,considering every single time my son gets upset he looks at me and asks me if I’m going to send him away like the school does, I’m not sorry.
We love our teachers. We like our principal well enough. Our main problem is with the “learning aides”. Many of them are incredibly unprofessional both in how they treat the kids (IN FRONT OF PARENTS!) and how they generally behave. I could hear one of the female aides screaming at a group of children halfway across the school- and I mean full on, nasty screaming at them to shut up. I know this is a state in which cannabis is legal (and I support that) but I’ve been greeted more than once by the very strong smell of weed on more than one aide. That’s not acceptable. The front desk is a mess (if you are worried about someone picking your child up from school after hours without your permission, like say a spouse who does not have visitation, then this is not the place for you). The kids are not well supervised during the after school care (again, the learning aides don’t seem to care at all, and the few times I’ve seen teachers they all look incredibly overwhelmed). At the start of the start of the school year, this place seemed like an incredible and rare find; a decent charter school that valued kids and community. But as the school year goes on it just seems to get worse and worse and worse. We’re honestly thinking of pulling our child out and putting him in another school next year.
I am going to leave this bad review as a complaint about the attitude of the deputy director LAM” Not only was she rude, aggressive and disrespectful, my daughter had a problem in the school bathroom, not only did they not do anything, they only suspended my daughter without investigating When those responsible clearly did not review it in the video that I myself provided, they only made a decision in seconds when students bully other children right under their noses and they don’t realize it, they don’t do their job and they still aren’t satisfied with not doing His work threatened me with calling security when I was just asking for a solution to a serious problem that is happening inside his school facilities with our children and he hides saying that it is a trending on social networks, what are you talking about? that this is normal for our children to hit each other, bullying because it is a trend I do not think so, you are simply not doing your job as “LAM deputy director” you are simply going to get your day off and I hope this
is not a very good excuse for that they go against my daughter like. It is the custom of certain teachers (not all) and I do this because of how badly she treated me
I’m not going to stay silent
My son was using the bathroom and an older boy kicked in the stall door and recorded my son as he stuggled to pull up his pants and close the door. My child was mortified and scared.
I called the school every day and went up twice to talk to the principal. It took the principal a week to talk to my child and when she did she never even asked him if he was ok. Never reached out to me (even though I was calling every day) FINALLY , 10 days after the bathroom incident I called and was able to talk to the principal . She was demeaning, condescending, unprofessional and rude. She explained to me that she had handled it and didn’t feel the need to contact me. ( the child who did this to my son was never suspended… I know this because my son was in the teen center with him a few days later)When I told her my child was now afraid to use the bathroom at school she LAUGHED at me and mockingly said ‘well I guess I can stand outside the bathroom door if I must’
I explained that because there was a video that we would be contacting the police.
We did. We also contacted the Safe to tell program. My child will never go back. Please be careful sending your child here. I have feeling there are LOTS of secrets in that school.

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