About Carmel Community School
Carmel Community School ( Community school ) is located at 1740 Pepperwood Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80910, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Community school
Ratings & Ranking
Carmel Community School has a rating of 2.3 and is ranked number 15591 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 2.3 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Carmel Community School is located at 1740 Pepperwood Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80910, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Carmel Community School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Carmel Community School.
Carmel Community School Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Carmel Community School and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Carmel Community School has 37 reviews with an overall rating of 2.3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 2.3 out of 5.0 stars2.3
Y’all need to get your facts straight. Stop basing our school on rumors you might hear. I personally think this school is pretty good, i mean for the fact that we have gotten less suspentions, violence,etc. This is my 3rd year attending this school, and personally it’s been one of the best times, I have great friends, the teacher’s are pretty supportive <3 If you didn't go then don't judge it, Yes we have all had out bad experiances there, we all make mistakes and go through things. It's a natural cycle of life! Middle school is one of the toughest thing's you'll face in school. They didn't prepare us for what's coming next when i went from elementary to middle school.Yes, Our testing grades are terrible and some of us may have bad behaviour issues, but all in all we have gotten better over the years. Yes teacher's come and go, but it's not out fault they say they wont leave us but then walk away because they can't simpily teach a middle school class due to the student's. Show control. If you don't go here you don't understand the struggles. We partically only have bad grades due to teachers thinking they could come in, "teach" they can't take our childishness and then walk out. It's ridiculous. How can we learn if we have everyone leaving us? The point is, we are getting a lot better c: the new teacher's are pretty amazing <3 Hopefully in the future, Carmel can have a better reputation, but like i said it's been a wonderful experience even throughout all the drama. (:
It has been many years since I went there but when I went there it was a good school as was the greater portion of District 2… It is my understanding that the AP classes as well as everything down to the school lunch program that counts ketchup as a serving of vegetables as well as pizza sauce… And the students seem to contribute to a School environment. Though there are some teachers that are great teachers, there are many more teachers that are not. When I went there I had a science teacher who would give you a C grade or doing all of the science work and proving that you had learned the material but you would not get a B or an A for a grade unless you did some kind of art BS like making a mobile with pictures of animals, or a board game – had I been interested in art or other types of art things, then rather than taking a science class and that was for advanced placement students I would have taken a drawing class but even now that I am significantly older I can still draw a stick person like nobody’s business. However other than a turtle that I drew in elementary school that was put in the Fine Arts Center for Young and blossoming artists… I draw no better now then I did then and so in my studies after Middle School I continue to study math and science type things and not art type things- the bottom line for me is that a science grade should never have anything to do with you making a mobile of animals or drawing any kind of BS like that!
I realy like the school but their are a lot of peoblems like bulllying stabings etc but people need to learn that now it’s not the teachers, gaurds etc. Its the kids that are used to having bad teachers gaurds ect. Bit the school in general the school isnt that bad I know this beacouse the new 6th graders aren’t bad beacouse they are used to the good teachers like the 6th grade science teacher but some of the 6th graders that have siblings from (the old carmel falcons) ussually are bad beacouse most of the time their siblings are just teaching their younger siblings what their used to but if you do not like my oponion not all the kids with siblings that came here before are bad meaning that that the older siblings werent either or they ignored them but still you don’t have to agree with me, I know it was a bad school and has had a lot of bad accurences but seriosly rip the bandade of and leave the past as the past (sorry about the bad punchuation)
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