About Harmony Science Academy Carrollton
Harmony Science Academy Carrollton ( Public educational institution ) is located at 1024 W Rosemeade Pkwy building 2, Carrollton, TX 75007, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Public educational institution, Charter school, Educational institution, High school, Middle school, School
Ratings & Ranking
Harmony Science Academy Carrollton has a rating of 4 and is ranked number 8106 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Harmony Science Academy Carrollton is located at 1024 W Rosemeade Pkwy building 2, Carrollton, TX 75007, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Harmony Science Academy Carrollton range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Harmony Science Academy Carrollton Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Harmony Science Academy Carrollton and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Harmony Science Academy Carrollton has 34 reviews with an overall rating of 4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Its first and most important priority is education and preparation for college. And that’s how it should be. The school offers excellerated courses and college courses taught by college professors. This gives your child a leg up when it comes time for them to enter college.
The classes are small thereby giving your child the advantage of individual attention as needed.
Sports are not a priority although they are offered. But if you’re looking for those high school football rallies and big time games, you will be disappointed.
The students are encouraged to plan events on their own with guidance from a wonderful group of teachers. In fact the students are encouraged to think for themselves and plan ahead. Getting ready for the outside world.
They are encouraged .. No.. Required to perform community service. This teaches compassion and selflessness. A trait we all need.
Uniforms are important for several reasons. Not all children can afford designer wardrobes. So it eases peer pressure. With some of the actions going on around the country this helps us know that no one is endangering the others by carrying dangerous weapons. Plus there is no need for school administrators to try to draw that fine line between appropriate and inappropriate clothing.
Although some complain about the food, I can’t speak to that. We cook every night so my granddaughter took food from home.
I can’t say enough about the faculty. They are the most active, caring, involved and interactive I have ever been privileged to know. I’ve raised 5 children, several grandchildren and a couple great grandchildren so I’ve been involved with a lot of schools. Harmony is far and above any other school I’ve known as far as caring about our kids.
My hats off to them. Thank you Harmony for educating our children.
MaryAnn Hornbaker.
Uniforms: Most people at this school hate the fact of being forced to wear the same thing as everyone else. I see that they make us wear uniforms to make a professional atmosphere. And it doesn’t cause people to bully each other for what they wear. Or for people to wear inappropriate clothing.
Food: From my experience the food has cause me to have stomachaches. I honestly advice you to make and bring your own lunch.
Education/Teachers/Staff: The education is pretty great. I haven’t complained on how the education is around here. However, the teachers here can be very strict, they are good teachers but some could be mean. They all teach well the thing about is that people don’t pay attention in class causing them to not do well in the subject and get in trouble. The staff here try their best, the janitor works really hard to clean up the school. But the janitor should have to do that much work, the students should also put an effort into keeping the school clean.
In all, (of this long review XD) this school has its pros and cons, but, its a good school to go to. I’ll tell you school is just like life, you will have to work hard in the future, so if you think school is unfair and hard you have no idea how the future will be. I recommend you go to this school if you have high self esteem, and a hard working personality. 🙂 See ya next year! XD
If you want your child to have fun in middle school and make a wide variety of good memories, don’t send them here. That’s the verdict. The school is tiny and claustrophobic, the “extracurriculars” are a joke, and the cafeteria lunches are the absolute worst thing I’ve had the dishonor to experience thus far. All the friends I made here hate the school and want to get out, but of course most of the kids that stay are forced to do so by their parents for the academics.
The academics are the single good thing about this school. I can confidently say I learned something here, though I can’t say I enjoyed all of it. I disliked most of the teachers, but I did like learning under a select few. For context I was in Ivy League for every subject besides math in 8th grade – for that I was in Algebra 1.
I gave this school two stars because it was a good overall experience for me, solely because of the people there and not because of the school. I made so many amazing friends there that made the subpar school bearable. The school is also so incredibly tiny and protective the chances of you being bullied are relatively small.
So, in conclusion, it’s not a good school. For elementary I can see it being good, but for middle and high school it’s just pathetic. You can clearly see the lack of money everywhere you look. It provides about 5% of what a middle/high school experience should include. However, if you’re one of those parents who cares about nothing besides your child’s academics, then, and only then, would I (sort of) recommend this school.