About Parkside Primary School
Parkside Primary School ( Primary school ) is located at 12 Robsart St, Parkside SA 5063, Australia.
Other categories: Primary school, Public educational institution
Ratings & Ranking
Parkside Primary School has a rating of 3.9 and is ranked number 3547 in Parkside.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Parkside Primary School is located at 12 Robsart St, Parkside SA 5063, Australia.
Schools Fees
The annual school fees for Parkside Primary School in Parkside will be updated shortly. For guidance, the annual public schools range between AUD $2000 and AUD $5000 per year while the fees in Catholic and independent (or ‘private’) schools range between AUD $4000 to AUD $20,000 per annum. Established private schools charge upwards of AUD $20,000+ per annum.
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Admissions are currently open at Parkside Primary School.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Parkside Primary School has 14 reviews with an overall rating of 3.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
The teachers: 4/5 – Some of them are amazing people, and the best people I’ve every met, some aren’t however, as with every school.
The curriculum: 3.5/5 – They teach what you need to progress into high school, though some years, the education was not great. They also used mixed classes (Such as year 5/6 classes) meaning you learn the same thing multiple times.
Student amenities: 3.5/5 – In the end, there are only 2 bathrooms, 1 of which tends to be locked all the time. The other group has only 6 stalls (one of which is disability only) and 4 sinks, not great. Water fountain wise: There are a total of 8 fountains, though 2 of which have sand in them, and only one of them is cold.
Student play areas: 3/5 – The oval tends to be used by older year levels (5 and 6, sometimes 3 and 4) for footy and soccer, making it harder for younger kids to play. The basketball courts have a similar story. Outside the 5/6 building are some pavements used as handball courts, used by 5/6’s. Outside the 3/4 building, there is the shade sail with handball courts used by younger year levels. There is the creek, in which is just a fancied up drainage canal. There are 2 sandpits, one big, dry one, and one wet one, in which is supplied by plastic toys. These tend to be used by younger year levels. The tennis court tends to be used for soccer by the year 2-4’s. There are 2 playgrounds, one of which is too low to the ground, the other getting really hot during summer.
First aid: 5/5 – They have medication on standby for every student, as you would expect. Not much more to say.
Geography: 2/5 – The school is located in 1 block in the suburb of Parkside, with Robsart St, Young St, Castle St, and Kenilworth Rd all being small streets. Parking is not easy, as while there are 3 car parks on the block, they are not for parental use. 1 is used by the nearby old folks home, one is a staff carpark, and the final is used by a church. The narrow and small streets mean that traffic down here is inevitable, and cannot be solved easily.
Community: 5/5 – Parkside has a very present community, hosting large community events with good turn up. The community is lively, and you can more often than not, count on the Parents of Parkside (or PoP) to help organise and urn events.
Infrastructure: 3/5 – Parkside consists of multiple buildings, all of differing age. There is one reception building, one junior primary building, one office/middle primary building, another middle primary building, a senior primary building, the Dennis Harris gymnasium, and the Dodd Art Room/Chinese room. The classrooms are all of varying size, and some aren’t in use at all. With there being 1 large classroom (formerly the performing arts room) not in use. The Art Room and Chinese room are forced to share, and the Gym is used by PE, Performing arts, and classes needing to use it for events such as practicing assemblies.
Violence management: 1/5 – Parkside can and does stop bullying, but if a student has an anger outburst, some teachers will just send them outside, without supervision from adults, resulting in people walking by getting hurt. Please do better.
Time spent learning: 2.5/5 – Parkside (as most schools) have a recces and lunch, as well as classes having individual fitness. Parkside does seem to value play however, as the younger year levels have a loose parts play session every friday, which lasts for 90 minutes. There is also class run assemblies which takes up learning time, and the end of year concert, which can take up multiple hours. For final year students, graduation practice will also take up a chunk of your time.
Heres a quite summary of everything else (google’s mad at me for characters)
Tech: 4/5
Money well spent: 2/5
Specialist subjects (like languages): 4/5
Communication with parents: 1/5
Extra curricular: 4/5
Services for special need students: 4/5
Worries about sun protection: 3/5
In total: 3.2 stars. Could do better in quite a few places, but it is a great school with a great community, and I will always remember it for such.