Pinole Valley High School, Pinole | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Pinole Valley High School (High school) is in Pinole and has a 3.4 rating.

About Pinole Valley High School

Pinole Valley High School ( High school ) is located at 2900 Pinole Valley Rd, Pinole, CA 94564, United States. It is categorised as : Public high school in Pinole, California..
Other categories: High school

Ratings & Ranking

Pinole Valley High School has a rating of 3.4 and is ranked number 20566 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Pinole Valley High School is located at 2900 Pinole Valley Rd, Pinole, CA 94564, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public high school in Pinole, California., the school fees for Pinole Valley High School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Pinole Valley High School.

Pinole Valley High School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Pinole Valley High School and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Pinole Valley High School has 20 reviews with an overall rating of 3.4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.4 out of 5.0 stars
I would NOT recommend this school, I repeat, I DO NOT recommend this terrible school.

My child refuses to continue going to this school because of the problems at this school.

This is the most unorganized school, my child has ever attended. They have no money to build an actual building that they tore down, therefore there are only portables/bungalows used as classes, offices, bathrooms, changing rooms, ect. They also have NO cafeteria so your child may have to eat lunch outside (unless a teacher allows you to use their classroom, which isn’t always guaranteed).

They also don’t provide lockers for students unless you have PE. The books provided at the school is very outdated and old, which isn’t helpful for the students.

The students have to walk far distances to get from upper campus to lower campus which is unnecessary and a waste of time; the students don’t have time to use restrooms ect,, which may ruin a student’s attendance.

Because there isn’t an actual school, the students have to walk outside, even when it rains and that’s possible that your child may get sick. Also the puddles get really huge and it’s hard to get around campus. (Believe it or not, one time they had to use a canoe boat to paddle through the huge puddles, or shall I say lake… which is terrible.) Just build an actual school already. They been through construction on and off for 4 years and it’s terrible. If they couldn’t afford to build a school after destroying, why do it?

The school’s bathrooms are DISGUSTING and there’s always a long line for an extremely small 3 stall bathroom. They smell horrible and it’s always trashed OR even flooded.

The environment is terrible. The students aren’t motivated and always disrupt the class/teachers which is frustrating for the students who actually want to learn and pass their classes.

All in all, just don’t let your child suffer here, please.

I went to this school the first year it opened. I was a freshman. Some of the kids are just rude, some are very friendly. I grew up with 50 kids in the neighborhood of Doidge Ave. We were mostly kids from Richmond, San Pablo etc who’s parents bought homes here, the first homes here. The teachers and Mrs Yarnell were a HATEFUL bunch and sent a lot of us good kids to a continuation school back at Richmond when they bused kids in that didn’t want to come. Integration is fine IF people want to move to your town. Otherwise let the kids go to their own school with their friends where there parents pay taxes! Its wrong to BUS kids in like they’re cattle! Teachers! Leave those kids alone!
Loved the band when it was under Nez! When he retired the school and the students lost a legend. Then Mr. R took over he was not that good of a musical teacher and didn’t have the passion of Nez. He never wanted us to mention Nez because he didn’t want to be in his shadow. A true leader would have recognize that Nez was a leader and carried the torch. Instead he tried to make his own light. He will never fill Nez’s shoes. The 5 stars are for you Nez goofy old man hope all is well.

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