Pflugerville High School, Pflugerville | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Pflugerville High School (High school) is in Pflugerville and has a 3.3 rating.

About Pflugerville High School

Pflugerville High School ( High school ) is located at 1301 W Pecan St, Pflugerville, TX 78660, United States. It is categorised as : Public high school in Texas..
Other categories: High school

Ratings & Ranking

Pflugerville High School has a rating of 3.3 and is ranked number 11610 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
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  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Pflugerville High School is located at 1301 W Pecan St, Pflugerville, TX 78660, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public high school in Texas., the school fees for Pflugerville High School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Pflugerville High School.

Pflugerville High School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Pflugerville High School and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Pflugerville High School has 32 reviews with an overall rating of 3.3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.3 out of 5.0 stars
As others have said:
This school is not the best school ever. It’s definitely in need of an overhaul, as is the entire district.
This school is packed, (over 2,000 students!), and it is diffucult to get to class when you are in a literal wave of people, the school is the length of two football fields, has two stories, and you are only given five minutes to switch. At their lunch period, students are given ample time to get their lunch and eat. There are only two lunch periods, so that means about 1,000 students per lunch period in a space designed to fit half that many people. In addition to this, with the amount of students packed into this school, you could say the administration looks at us as “livestock”, since they rely on attendance to recieve income from the state.
They give an abnormally large workload, usually, “to boost grades”. Teachers must strictly follow schoolwork policies that imply a certain amount of a subject must be taught before a certain time (Typically enough time is not given), so when grades must be submitted, the teachers are overwhelmed in due papers, which leads to misgrading.
Admins and some teachers are close-minded about current policies and overlook education in favor of discipline. Phones and other electronic devices are disallowed at this school, normally because they represent a “distraction”, and if you happen to have an electronic device out for even a second, it will be taken up, and you have to pay a $15 fee to have it returned.
Being absent the entire day here is actually better than coming in late. If you do not make it to class and are given a tardy, you must go to the office, request a tardy slip, void your PHS ID card (which costs $3 to remake one) in the process, then go back to class, which ironically, is more interrupting to your education than simply being counted tardy or absent as it was done in their middle schools and elementaries.
Backpacks are disallowed here, likely because of the “Public shooter/bomber” mass hysteria that has swept the nation, and also likely due to drug use or checks, although almost no one here is an active drug user.
In conclusion, PHS is, for a lack of better words, “stuck up”, overstocked, and prioritizes looks and genuine income, over the actual education and care of its student body.
PHS is ran by people who overly abuse their power, and give you the “I’m the Principle, your the student” speech. Teachers who really can care less about the teaching, and do more instructing than anything, I felt their beliefs were constantly being opposed onto me and other students. My time at PHS is anything but a pleasant experience, learning is the last priority on PHS agenda. This experience has encourage me to start my own school, with higher learning, and more special studies, with teachers who care, and am working hard to make my dream a reality. God bless all those who read this.
my daughter is new to PHS and this is the worst school I have ever encountered. Teachers aren’t concerned with the student body. Their focus isn’t geared toward education for the students, but how to place as many obstacles they can find in their way by discouraging and belittling them. The Pflugerville Superintendent really needs to put this school on his radar as an overhaul because it is greatly needed.

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