About Academy of Thought and Industry – San Francisco
Academy of Thought and Industry – San Francisco ( High school ) is located at 2690 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA 94115, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: High school, Montessori school, Private educational institution
Ratings & Ranking
Academy of Thought and Industry – San Francisco has a rating of 5 and is ranked number 33441 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Academy of Thought and Industry – San Francisco is located at 2690 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA 94115, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Academy of Thought and Industry – San Francisco range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Academy of Thought and Industry – San Francisco Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Academy of Thought and Industry – San Francisco and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Academy of Thought and Industry – San Francisco has 8 reviews with an overall rating of 5. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
ATI has a very distinct way of making a child feel seen, heard and valued. After only 3 months of being at ATI, I saw a big change in my sons demeanour – a confident, bright-eyed boy emerged.
I can attribute this to the quality of the connections this school has invested in… between faculty and students and amongst the students themselves. Connections that can not be replaced nor duplicated by anything electronic.
After a year in the school, my son has discovered and gained a deeper understanding of his personal interests and how this supports his individuality. The school environment has encouraged him to pursue his interest in History and managed to illuminate a path he can potentially pursue in the future…one that is aligned with his sense of self.
Two of their core classes capture the essence of the schools magic –
1) LIFE Design which allows its students the opportunity to give form to their future. Where was that when I was in school ?!
2) Socratic Humanities where they experience and gain tools on how to explore ideas and find their truth through discussions with teachers and students. How empowering is that !
Within a year and at his own pace, Ive seen how my son is discovering and further developing his strengths and acknowledging and working on his weaknesses. He is comfortable seeking help and support when needed and is assured that it is all within reach.
All this while making deep connections with people and experiences that support his well-being – never neglecting its impact on the mind.
This self-awareness is priceless.
An educational facility DESIGNED to make this possible for my child can only be heaven sent. In our modern world, it is hard to find educators committed to honouring the role of a child in pursuing their own education. Its source and inspiration can only be Love and Humility.
Today, contrary to the past few years, we no longer have discussions with our son about the importance of being / staying in school. Through his experience with ATI, he has recognised the relevance and power of a love for learning. He doesn’t want to miss a day!
If youre considering ATI for your child, visit and have your child feel it out – theyll know whether its for them or not. Trusting in that is where this special journey begins.
The Academy of Thought and Industry is like a Trade School for CEOs. Really it is much more than that because the school inspires students with a clear trajectory toward how to create a magnificent life at the intersection of their passions and skills. I found ATI during a deep search for the right environment for my two very different gifted children who bring unique talents to the world, that were lost in public schools common core.
The Academy of Thought and Industry personalizes the programs and approach for each individual student and provides a personal coach who is in close contact with the students and parents for academic guidance and socio-emotional support through a vitally developmental time in childrens lives to ensure success all along the continuum of learning not just at semester end. The school is filled with brilliant, open-minded people with no boundaries of learning opportunities for the students.
Coaching students with a big-picture view of the world and encouraging them to contribute to it is a gift to our future. The students are grounded in math, science, Socratic social studies and the arts. They customize students educations to reach their individual goals. If a student desires an invitation to an Ivy League school, their education is chiseled in that direction.
We visited the Academy of Thought and Industry in Austin, Texas before enrolling in the San Francisco, California location. The students were well-adjusted, self-motivated, proud of their diverse and impressive accomplishments and confident they were working toward their personal desires to contribute to society in a positive way. Architects, Engineers, Photographers, Investment Brokers, Choreographers, Mathematicians, You-Tubers, Producers, Designers, Inventors, Artists, were all sharing their skills and ideas with their friends at school, sharing partnerships and collaborations capitalizing on each others skill sets
Michael Strong is passionate about mentoring young people and seems to understand and connect with them. He’s also assembled a fabulous staff team who share a genuine affection for the kids they mentor and teach.
Students have the chance to ask relevant questions and do work relevant to their lives. Their education is shaped and driven by things that inspire them. This makes all the difference.
The rigor is impressive without being oppressive. Our daughter has had the chance to take AP classes at 12 and is thriving on the challenge. ?High expectations are set for students and because their education is shaped by what drives them, they seem to rise to meet those standards and still have time to grow and process because there are less boxes to check off. The evaluations are especially helpful in taking on the role of coach for an increasingly independent teen.