Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto, Hutto | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto (Preschool) is in Hutto and has a 4.3 rating.

About Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto

Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto ( Preschool ) is located at 449 Ed Schmidt Blvd, Hutto, TX 78634, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Preschool, Day care center

Ratings & Ranking

Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto has a rating of 4.3 and is ranked number 3193 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto is located at 449 Ed Schmidt Blvd, Hutto, TX 78634, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto.

Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Amazing Explorers Academy Hutto has 59 reviews with an overall rating of 4.3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.3 out of 5.0 stars
I’m posting this publicly as my disgust for this school and the director should be reviewed by all parents enrolling their child here. My son was a student for around 2 months. The first few weeks I was being spoken to by staff almost everyday regarding reports of other students telling the teacher my son was spitting on them. I finally met his direct teacher and she told me that she has never witnessed my son spitting on other kids however when he speaks some times he emphasizes some letters causing him to spit a little and seeings how kids play closely she ultimately decided that was the “spitting” again this came from his teacher directly, not front office staff. The past 24 hours has truly shown me the true morals and colors of the school. The director called me on 10/17 at about 1:00 PM to advise me to pick up my child as he is being violent and harassing the teachers…. I of course argued with the director as I have NEVER in my sons three years of daycare experience had to pick up my child from “bad behavior” she explained me on the phone she had teachers and staff members wanting to not come back to the school to work after lunch hour because of the behavior. I asked her, “you have staff wanting to QUIT their employment, their careers over my son?!” She told me “it’s not just you we are calling” if I EVERRRRR told my boss “I’m not coming back for the rest of the day due to a customer, I would be fired. This is my job this is what I signed up for. I do not work in a daycare however as a mother kids require a huge amount of patience and that is a critical part of the job description. She told me my son was down for a nap and I could pick him up after he was finished from his nap, I’m not sure about anyone else but a violent, unhinged, irate child, does not nap nor calm down…I of course went to the daycare to pick up my child, no one at the front desk would even look at me. I went directly to his class and as explained he was asleep, he was asleep next to his teacher so her and I had a conversation she mentioned NOTHING of violence however she mentioned he called a teacher “yucky” and “I don’t like you” she then told me about an incident that happened at breakfast time. She told me earlier in the day my son was eating breakfast and had food completely lodged in his mouth, and he was choking. She said she patted him on the back and the food was not getting unlodged she then reached in his mouth and pulled the food out saving my baby. She said he was crying and gave her a huge hug for helping him. Did I get a call about this? NOPE. did I sign a incident report? NOPE. Shame on you the director. We get to 10/18. I am called at 9:00 this morning the director has called ONCE AGAIN this time telling me he is on his 4th bad behavior report (At 9AM) and not only does he need to be picked up ASAP but he is expelled. She started out telling me he was cutting books up. I stopped the director right then and wanted to know why on earth a 3 year old is being left unsupervised with scissors in his hand. She said they had arts and craft supplies… that was her explanation. His class room often has one teacher and about 10 kids in there and the teachers are extremely distracted. I was told my son often hangs around other children whom make poor choices and never once did they offer to move those kids around to separate them or to call me and let me speak to my son regarding his behavior. They ultimately resulted to him being expelled. That shows you a TON about their tolerance and patience level. I’m disappointed in the lack of professionalism as Alma kept referring all her statements and excuses to “her boss” and “district” manager yet have not heard a peep from anyone. How disgusting of area management to relay messages of that importance and such serious matter.
Do not recommend. Turn over happened due to the company choosing profit over people with their staff. They lost some great people and left them with people who have no idea how to care for children.
They also charged us after we followed their rule of putting 2 weeks in to leave and no refund, no follow up, zero communication on over $500 that they incorrectly charged us.
They frequently left my kids with out water all day, and no one bothered to notice that their water bottles were in the wrong class room all day until we came for pick up. (No wonder sickness runs through this place as other kids have to drink from other kids water because staff doesn’t check in)
Zero communication with the new staff, no show to parent teacher conferences and just being left on read with ntly via the school app by multiple different teachers and directors. But they have the audacity to call and expect you to leave work early over an upset child an hour after drop off but yet don’t attempt to soothe, comfort or support the child, just ignore. (nor read any of the intake that was filled out for child)
Over all, with the new staff basically if you work here, your child with most likely be well cared for and treated but if you don’t good luck. We frequently watched our kids teacher ignore other screaming kids at drop off, walked into a chaotic room and we’re basically told we are the issue. Even being the quiet parents that never had issues prior to the new staff.

I’m editing this to point out that they put a generic response to my review when I clearly left them my contact info to reach out before removing my children. But no surprise no one does. They are heading beyond the 4-8 weeks to refund you because we messed up and charged you quote and again, crickets.

The best thing you can do for your child is allow them to be in the best environment to learn & grow. I knew when I chose Amazing Explorers Academy for my daughter, I was making the right choice. She is valued and loved by every single teacher and staff here. My daughter became a part of the AEA family when she was 9 months old. She was adored by Jess, the infant teacher at the time who has since been promoted within the academy. Jess loves and cares for my daughter as if she were her own. They have an incredible enrollment coordinator Christa who keeps everything and everyone in order. She is committed to making positive changes to this school and I am so happy to be apart of them. They are under a new director, Alma who has been nothing short of amazing. She takes the extra time to learn and know each and every child who walks through their door. Not to mention their kitchen staff Tiffani makes THE BEST meals and helps incorporate healthy choices into every day. We feel so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful community & I wouldn’t have it any other way. My daughters teacher is Britt in the 2 year old class room. She was able to successfully potty train my girl in less than 2 weeks. I’d call that a win win situation. Thank you Amazing Explorers Academy for helping define our future.

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