Ardmore School, Ardmore | Fees, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Ardmore School is a School in Ardmore with a 3.9 rating.

About Ardmore School

Ardmore School ( School ) is located at Clevedon Road, Ardmore 2110, New Zealand.
Other categories: School

Ratings & Ranking

Ardmore School has a rating of 3.9 and is ranked number 460 in Ardmore.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Ardmore School is located at Clevedon Road, Ardmore 2110, New Zealand.

Schools Fees

The school fees for Ardmore School range between 13,500 NZ$ and 18,000 NZ$ per year or between 8,235 USD and 10,980 USD per year.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Ardmore School.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Ardmore School has 18 reviews with an overall rating of 3.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.9 out of 5.0 stars
Personally haven’t experience any racism from other reviews for the last 6 years. Mrs Peterson the school principle has been amazing.
I have nothing but great things to say about sending my child to Ardmore School. It is always nerve racking when your child starts school but I was truly blown away by the excellent leadership team & staff who made my child feel immediately welcome & put my nerves at ease. Ardmore School is an all round great school, with great, inclusive staff and a diverse school roll.
My son just spent two years at Ardmore school and while his new school is good, we do miss Ardmore!!

The principal was awesome from Day 1, giving us a guided tour and making us feel at ease. As we had relocated during covid, this was so nice. It is seriously awesome to have classrooms with sliding glass doors that open out onto a deck with cows roaming in the neighbouring paddock. How cute!!! The school in general is small, colourful and country-chill.

Only had a couple of issues with other kids/bullying, but I have to say the school was ONTO it right away. Miss P, the Ruru whanau leader of Y6,7,8, is amazing. She took the lead to investigate and sorted our issues and sorted it in a kind and professional way.

Super cute things like Ag day, Showquest, Art shows, field trips, school discos, swimming days, swim carnival, fun run, ECCS… heaps of sport stuff but my kid isn’t really sporty. There was always something fun going on and even when there wasn’t, like going to school as an essential worker’s kid, my son always had a reason to be happy to go to school.

I also have to say the principal is really onto it will communication. They make quick decisions and notify everyone so you have as much time as possible to plan. I found this helpful in pandemic and natural disaster time.

Ardmore really helped my boy come out of his shell at his own pace and for that I will be forever grateful. If you are on the fence about Ardmore, just call and go check it out. I am so glad we did. 🙂

Have to say this school really needs to review the management staff and their attitude towards new parents of ethnic culture. I was dissatisfied with the service received from this school and happy that I pulled my child. There are other schools in the area I would recommend that are not based on fake reviews from family and friends or people trying to get their kids into the school.
Loads of respect for this school & staff.
Both teaching and & support staff, are very respectful and inclusive. The principal always begins all comms with cultural acknowledgments, both individual and public, and her door is always open for discussion. Communication & transparency is always encouraged here and I have witnessed this first hand.

This year I approached the principal to ask if the school would consider a “Diwali Celebration” day and this was met with enthusiasm. She even provided off the cuff information regarding the demographic make-up of the school and said they would be more than supportive of the idea, therefore this year, there is a project to facilitate this day.

The school has multiple cultural activities including school haka and whakatau pohiri for new intake cohorts. Maori Language week is celebrated by a (school funded) Matariki breakfast and multiple other cultural ventures facilitated by the school. Other cultures have approached the school for support and advocacy for their respective week, and language and they have never declined.

Given a rural environment, the drop off drive-thru system is appreciated due to both convenience & security. Each student is met by a member of staff, welcomed and sent to their class as they arrive. The efficiency of this process especially during lockdown levels, was testament to the staff’s precision, commitment, and dedication to our children. Also given I have had younger children in the car in previous years, and also don’t want to put the staff at risk mid pandemic- there simply aren’t enough teachers to go around.

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