Aviation Services LLC, Oshkosh | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Aviation Services LLC (Flight school) is in Oshkosh and has a 4.6 rating.

About Aviation Services LLC

Aviation Services LLC ( Flight school ) is located at 540 E Perimeter Rd, Oshkosh, WI 54902, United States. It is categorised as : Aviation maintenance and training facility..
Other categories: Flight school

Ratings & Ranking

Aviation Services LLC has a rating of 4.6 and is ranked number 32850 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Aviation Services LLC is located at 540 E Perimeter Rd, Oshkosh, WI 54902, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Aviation maintenance and training facility., the school fees for Aviation Services LLC range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Aviation Services LLC.

Aviation Services LLC Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Aviation Services LLC and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Aviation Services LLC has 9 reviews with an overall rating of 4.6. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.6 out of 5.0 stars
STAY AWAY!!! I attended Aviation Services from July 2018-Nov 2018 in pursuit of a MEL Commercial License. I had previously attended Gateway Technical College in Kenosha, WI, where I had completed the majority of my training to include stricter FAR Part 141 training. I went on to complete my Commercial training elsewhere because it would be “cheaper” and take less time than paying for the last rating at the college. After spending over $11,000 out of pocket, 32 hours in their Piper Apache Twin, and 120-136 hrs of ground instruction, I was signed off by the instructor to do my check ride. The checkride is conducted by the co instructor. He subsequently failed me in the oral on some pretty outfield questions that are not typical. And he was very quick to fail me. But being me and having blind determination, I continued with this company. I conducted a couple more weeks of flying and more ground instruction and the attempted. That checkride lasted 30 mins. He failed me right away. We never even got to fly in either checkride. When I first showed up and interviewed with these guys, they expressed to me that Jim, my instructor would be training me to the standard required in the checkride. But once I conducted the checkride with Mr Davis, it was often times questions that were left field and never discussed in my training with Jim. Also while I was there, there was a student that had been there for 4+ years working on their PPL! Should have been a red flag, but I overlooked it. This place is a classic example of highway robbery! Why would they pass me if they know they will lose a stream of income in doing so? This place definitely needs to be investigated. They are running a con game. They lure people in with their $210/hr ME training and spit ’em out with nothing. Do not be fooled by their “cheap” prices. Because if they can, they will keep you there forever knowing you won’t give up, especially if you’re very close to completion with your Commercial ratings.
Steve and Jim both provided top tier instruction for me during my flight training. Their training helped me get my ATP, prepare for the interview process, and help with initial ground training for the airline. The transition from GA flying to the 121 world flying 50-70 seat regional jets was made easier by their training program. Their training had a direct correlation as to how well I did both in the interview for the job and ground school. I started my training at another school before coming to them so I have had experience with other schools. Their primary goal is not to train you to only pass the test, but to make you understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it a certain way. Movement through training is really up to the student. If you come prepared with the readings and handouts completed, you will move through the course accordingly. The instructors at Aviation Services LLC provide quality instruction and can provide real world experience not seen with a lot of other schools. Both Steve and Jim have done more than just instruct during their aviation careers so can provide quality insight, career advice and know how to train safe pilots. Depending on your goals they can tailor your training program to making sure you accomplish your future career goals if you are seeking a career flying. They both have been very pleasant and professional to work with. They both do a very good job simplifying complex aircraft systems and regulations. Scheduling during my training with them was great, very flexible for a college student juggling family time, work, school and flying. Also your training frequency can be tailored to how much training you can afford in your budget. An airplane was always made available for me if I needed it. If I had to do my training all over again I would have started and finished my training program with them. Would highly recommend for anybody looking to become the most professional pilot they can be.
I did all of my ratings with Steve and have gone on to become a B-767 pilot flying international long haul.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that this is the place you want to do your training at. I watched a lot of classmates get “lost” at a bigger school when I went on to complete my 4 year degree (did it in 2 1/2 years thanks to Steve) so I have seen both sides of the coin.
Steve did a great job of boiling things down for me and his airline background keeps the minutia under control.
When you are shopping for flight schools the large shiny screens in that Cessna at the bigger schools look great and they will tell you that learning to fly “steam gauges” is a thing of the past, but it is not. There are a lot of jobs/airplanes out there that still get things done the old fashioned way and there was a study done by NASA and a major flight school that found that it is much easier to go from old to new than the other way around. (Maybe I’ve been unfortunate, but I have only flown 1 airplane in my life that had a true glass cockpit. The Boeing 767 and 757 do not.)
Another thought when looking at those beautiful new screens is, “who’s paying for them?” Early on, you just need to build hours, so do it as cheaply as you can. Do yourself another favor and pay for an experienced instructor who has the credentials and experience to guide you. “Learning,” after all, is what you are trying to do, isn’t it?

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