Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School, Poole | Fees, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Baden-Powell and St Peter's Church of England Junior School is a Primary school in Poole with a 4.4 rating.

About Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School

Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School ( Primary school ) is located at Mill Ln, Poole BH14 8UL, United Kingdom. It is categorised as : Faith School.
Other categories: Primary school

Ratings & Ranking

Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School has a rating of 4.4 and is ranked number 8109 in the UK.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School is located at Mill Ln, Poole BH14 8UL, United Kingdom.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Faith School, the school fees for Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School range between 2,000 GBP and 3,000 GBP . In Euros, the annual fees range for Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School is between 2,360 EUR and 3,540 EUR.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Baden-Powell and St Peter’s Church of England Junior School has 8 reviews with an overall rating of 4.4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.4 out of 5.0 stars
Great school it is fun but you have to do something about those lunch ladies, some of them are just a bit weird.the headteacher likes me but I don’t like her, she’s so angry around kids, and she’s a wolf in sheep skin.
I just left this school and bye baden powell
My child has excelled at this school. Great teaching team that really care.
Bad only on that gets told off

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