Brunswick South West Primary School, Brunswick West | Fees, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Brunswick South West Primary School is a Primary school in Brunswick West with a 3.7 rating.

About Brunswick South West Primary School

Brunswick South West Primary School ( Primary school ) is located at S Daly St, Brunswick West VIC 3055, Australia.
Other categories: Primary school, Elementary school

Ratings & Ranking

Brunswick South West Primary School has a rating of 3.7 and is ranked number 1466 in Brunswick West.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Brunswick South West Primary School is located at S Daly St, Brunswick West VIC 3055, Australia.

Schools Fees

The annual school fees for Brunswick South West Primary School in Brunswick West will be updated shortly. For guidance, the annual public schools range between AUD $2000 and AUD $5000 per year while the fees in Catholic and independent (or ‘private’) schools range between AUD $4000 to AUD $20,000 per annum. Established private schools charge upwards of AUD $20,000+ per annum.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Brunswick South West Primary School.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Brunswick South West Primary School has 35 reviews with an overall rating of 3.7. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.7 out of 5.0 stars
My experiences here horribly affected me for life. I was constantly bullied including by some teachers, in fact in the 1970’s many teachers had their weapons of choice in their desks – rulers, straps & canes. A slimy Grade 4 teacher enjoyed the leather strap across the backs of your legs!
Recently graduated from here, genuinely a pretty awesome school, they give you computers to keep for a few years, almost zero bullyng, no uniform and all the teachers are nice (you also call them by their first name!) the only downside is that they focus on mental health more than education, so the work gets kinda scuffed.
To much mental health no enugh protecting me frim people trying to eat me and eat my food when I run I fall and Dizzy dirreohea
At an elementary school level, in my personal opinion, there appears to be an excessive emphasis on LGVTQIA+ (e.g. no Father’s Day celebration) matters rather than maintaining a balanced academic focus. Nonetheless, the school staff are remarkably friendly and accessible. The campus is spacious and consistently accessible to the public.
in the late 80s there was this hag margaret that took over the canteen that changed the menu to gross ‘health’ food and replaced the usual version of advance australian fair that was played at assemblies, with her playing it on piano. so full of herself. not sure what the school’s like now so im giving it 3 stars because im sure students will rate it bad just for fun, but it may be bad. but i needed to spread the margaret gospel.

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