Children’s Technological Academy, Southfield | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Children's Technological Academy is a Religious school in Southfield with a 3.9 rating.

About Children’s Technological Academy

Children’s Technological Academy ( Religious school ) is located at 19421 W 10 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI 48075, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Religious school

Ratings & Ranking

Children’s Technological Academy has a rating of 3.9 and is ranked number 32169 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
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  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Children’s Technological Academy is located at 19421 W 10 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI 48075, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Children’s Technological Academy range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Children’s Technological Academy.

Children’s Technological Academy Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Children’s Technological Academy and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Children’s Technological Academy has 11 reviews with an overall rating of 3.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.9 out of 5.0 stars
This is the worst school my children have ever been to I’m very dissatisfied. The office staff Pastor Sylvia, Jordan& Dr. Henderson Principal, Pastor daughter Loren Hicks take no interest in the school or the students. They are never at the school. They change tuition due dates whoever they please. Don’t honor what they tell you. Lack Accountability, Concern, Transparency and overall compassion for the children. They have a 5th & 6th grade teacher who is incapable of handing her workload. They make excuses for the teachers bad behavior. She calls the students names like slaves, peasants & slave masters. She embarrasses children in front of the class by talking about their physical appearance. When she can’t pronounce a word the students said she skips it or uses a word or letter that she can pronounce in place of that word. In a meeting with staff they try to gaslight and guilt trip you by saying they want a resolution but the parent doesn’t and the parent couldn’t possibly care about the children. They don’t want your child in the school if you don’t agree or comply with them. This is supposed to be a Christian establishment but it’s nothing Christian about the staff they lie! They take the concerns of children and parents lightly call the children liars. They laugh in your face when they don’t agree with the valid concerns of the parents. Everyone who is on here commenting with the last name of Hicks, Jordan & Henderson are family, staff & friends to the Pastors. Most of these good reviews are fake! The school is apart of family victory church. When I asked to speak with the board of directors to express my concerns I was given the run around this school is family owned and operated so they do whats best for them and there families. Not the students! Administration never knows whats going on because they aren’t involved or at the school. They will tell you something then lie to your face and say they didn’t say it. They also lie on children!

Update went to the school because after our meeting yesterday I was asked to come back in the morning because I wanted my children’s school supplies and they teachers. Would have them ready for me in the morning. I came back they told me to come back again
I told them no I will not. Give me my children’s school supplies that I paid for. Dr. Henderson was basically saying no I would have to come back. So I called the police to come up to the school so I could get the supplies. The police come they had a box with parcel supplies and a letter I didn’t take the letter I told the police they could keep it. They told me it was staying not to come back there it it would be considered trust passing. Dr. Henderson told me they are going to give me a ceased and desist letter. I guess they are trying to shut me up and don’t want ppl to know they truth.

This School Has a NONE TOLERANCE For BULLYING, in any fashion or form.
This School, is a Christian School, and it abides by the Christian Standards, and it has to give account to God, (IF) the school has done wrong in any decision or actions. In my 11 years experience, the school is a school of (patience) toleration, and helping our challenging children with all forms of dysfunctions or setbacks in anyway.
I’ve seen in the 11 years to present, students started in Toddler Class thru 6 Grade and Graduate.
Presently, families with 2 to 3 children at this school, and started from PreSchool and still presently attending.
Parents works with the Staff, Staff work with the Parents. Even, for the challenges the Staff/Administrator encounter with a student behavior, the school has a meek, gentle, long suffering, kindness, patience with the students and parents.
Children Technological Academy (CTA) is an A1 school. So many children have gone through the programs and have been accepted in colleges such as Harvard, University of Michigan, Michigan State University and are earning degrees in Pre-med, neuroscience and much more. Many parents have returned to the school thanking us for the foundation of educational success with great study habits, a passion for learning, and a love for God. CTA is a best-kept secret in Southfield. In over 22 years of teaching children, I continue to desire to see more children to receive the impactful education that is a stepping stone for success. Children’s Technological Academy is a College Prep School, and all this is fueled by the staff committed and passionate for excellence.

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