About Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus
Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus ( Charter school ) is located at 4904 N Duncan Dr, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815, United States. It is categorised as : Charter school in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho..
Other categories: Charter school, High school, Middle school
Ratings & Ranking
Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus has a rating of 3.6 and is ranked number 7392 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus is located at 4904 N Duncan Dr, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Charter school in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho., the school fees for Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus.
Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy Campus has 40 reviews with an overall rating of 3.6. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
1. The teachers are more involved with the kids. Doors are usually open during breaks and after school for kids to come and ask questions. The communication between parents and teachers is excellent! I get emails frequently about things going on in the clasroom. It is easy for me to get ahold of teachers, if needed. In general, the relationships between teachers, students, and parents is more personal than I have found in traditional public schools.
2. The students are great! You don’t have the rampant bullying/social problems found in traditional Middle Schools and High Schools.
3. The education is phenomenal. There is a high standard for students to study and do their work as expected. Homework can be brutal at times, but if you can get through it, you will come out with an education like no other. There are many opportunities to thrive in Engliah, Math, and Science. They keep the kids reading all of the classics in literature.
4. There is a nice variety of extracurricular activities offered after school….Chess Club, Latin Club, Math Counts, STEM club, Debate, etc.
5.Love the uniforns!
There are only a couple cons that I can think of. The first is the homework load. It can be brutal at times. It ranges anywhere from nothing to 6hrs a night. Study skills and time management are important to learn early on at Charter. I would say on average there is 2-3 hours of homework a night. It’s great for college prep, but can be tough for kids that have a lot of after-school activities. The last con is the lack of sports. If your kid is really into sports, Charter does not offer the variety that traditional public schools offer.
All in all, the school is great! I specifically moved back to this area so my child could attend.