Community Montessori School, Georgetown | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Community Montessori School (Montessori school) is in Georgetown and has a 4.6 rating.

About Community Montessori School

Community Montessori School ( Montessori school ) is located at 500 Pleasant Valley Dr, Georgetown, TX 78626, United States. It is categorised as : Private Montessori school.
Other categories: Montessori school

Ratings & Ranking

Community Montessori School has a rating of 4.6 and is ranked number 12317 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Community Montessori School is located at 500 Pleasant Valley Dr, Georgetown, TX 78626, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Private Montessori school, the school fees for Community Montessori School range between 12,500 USD and 28,000 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Community Montessori School.

Community Montessori School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Community Montessori School and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Community Montessori School has 22 reviews with an overall rating of 4.6. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.6 out of 5.0 stars
This review is for the admission process. Our child was struggling with public virtual learning so we began researching private schools and we came across Montessori and loved the Philosophy so called two in the area (both AMI/USA member school) to see if it was possible to transition if the child was already in 3rd grade. “Not a problem” we were told, just cycle in on the next school year so that they begin in the next 3 year group. The first Montessori school, the process was simple: Zoom interview about 30 mins and if you like you can enroll since they have 2 openings available. Community Montessori School’s admission is more complex. The process starts with in-person campus tour. My husband went because I just had a baby. We paid $100 non-refundable application fee. Also, we are asked to submit parents questionnaire, former teacher questionnaire (we homeschool so we had to contact previous teacher), her sample math and writing work. And Lastly, my daughter was scheduled for a campus visit. the campus visit was rescheduled because the teacher’s questionnaire has to be submitted before the visit. we had it sorted with her previous teacher who was kind to help my daughter with her admission. My husband took day off work to sit outside while they “evaluated” our daughter.The visit includes campus tour, meeting the teacher, and easy math and writing test. Our daughter was excited to talk about the great stuff they have and the farm animals, so excited to be going back to school. Now decision came thru an email by the Admission Director. I quote “..almost all of our currents students re-enrolled which leaves almost no room for new students. While {my daughter’s name} is a bright girl who appears to be on level with math and writing, she does not have a Montessori experience and we worry she may struggle in an unstructured, self-directing setting. We have decided to go with another candidate who is coming from different Montessori school”. and followed by recommendation to check out public charter schools in the area. The admission director did not even recommend other Montessori schools in the area. As a minority, I felt very discriminated. does that mean that our child is not fit for Montessori school? The other Montessori school we contacted didn’t have a problem whether a child has Montessori background or not. and we were honest that we did not have Montessori background in the beginning of the admission process. When i received the email, I cried and felt heartbroken for my daughter. how am i going to tell her this?It took us few days to tell her. we just told her that they do not have available spot for new students and just left out the other details why. The hard part was to hear my child say “maybe i did wrong in the interview” “did the teacher not like me?” of course, choosing the candidate with Montessori background is the most convenient option. at the end of the day, this is just business and should not take it personally. I hope they review the admission process, especially the part when a child is invited to visit the school only to be rejected. the whole admission process took 3 months from the day i contacted them up to the final decision.
If you’re considering a Montessori School for your family, THIS is the place to be! My son has been there for 2 years now after spending his kindergarten and 1st grade year in public school. We decided to make the switch after his enthusiasm for life and learning disappeared. I finally convinced my husband to give us 1 year — “just 1 year and we’ll see if we notice a change. If we notice an improvement…if he comes back to life, we’ll stay. If he remains unmotivated, then we’ll move on.” Those were life changing words for us! Within a few short months, and thanks to his AMAZING friends and teachers, we watched our son’s renewed vigor for life gradually unfold. We’re here to stay and so very excited there’s an upper elementary program on this side of town. You will LOVE it here! The teachers, families and staff are committed and involved. If you’re curious about Montessori schools, just do like we did and take a tour 🙂
The school has been a fantastic experience for my 5 year old daughter. She enjoys the class, the guides, and most importantly has developed and shown an enormous love to learn. That’s what Montessori is all about and I feel that CMS does a great job instilling that love to learn in kids.

I can only speak for the 3-6 year old range class, where my daughter has been for over two years now. I strongly feel CMS offers the best in a child’s development and education at this age. I’m excited to see her develop over the years at CMS as I have also been impressed with their lower and upper elementary for older kids. I know she can’t wait to be in those classes too.

Do yourself a favor, check out Community Montessori School, take a tour of the school, observe the kids at work and play and then form your own opinion. I think it will be well worth your time and your child’s development!

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