About Creekside Kinderclass
Creekside Kinderclass ( Kindergarten ) is located at 1366 E Murray Holladay Rd, Millcreek, UT 84117, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Kindergarten, Preschool
Ratings & Ranking
Creekside Kinderclass has a rating of 5 and is ranked number 37070 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Creekside Kinderclass is located at 1366 E Murray Holladay Rd, Millcreek, UT 84117, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Creekside Kinderclass range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Creekside Kinderclass Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Creekside Kinderclass and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Creekside Kinderclass has 7 reviews with an overall rating of 5. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
My daughter has just finished her first year of preschool here and we are in awe of everything that made a magical, profound, and lasting impact on her at the tender age of 3!
First, SO much thought goes into the rhythm of the day, the way the children regard each other and play-things around the room, and meal-time together reverence around those who made their warm snack and the earth that grew it. It all connects together and festivals at the end of each month act as celebrations and reviews of all that was covered that month. As a parent I confess looking forward to these festivals just as much as my daughter. They are a place where you can deeply enjoy the community your child is a part of each day. They are also crafted to celebrate your childs growth (in every aspect) and each childs family is invited to the event. Its so very special. Our favorite was the Golden Manners festival toward the beginning of the year. Fast forward to the end of year and every child in the class knows deeply what it means if they are not using their Golden Manners interacting with another friend, at meal time, or playtime ANYWHERE at home, school, at the store etc.
A few short weeks after my daughter began attending the school she would return home bursting with song. Beautiful (many complex lyrically), fun, meaningful songs that she truly delights in. She began asking us to draw and complete more art projects at home. The amount of time she spent on her projects lengthened and shed sing herself a song when she was finished (childs name) works with love and care, (childs name) work it is so fair. At the festival at the end of the month I finally figured out where that came from her extraordinary teacher Ms. Marla sings that song to each child directly each time they proudly bring her their work to show her!
And so it went on like this constant flourishing in every aspect of our lives inside & outside the home. Although not expected at all my daughter asked me to teach her some more about letters and numbers at home. We happily obliged. She brought home a beautiful watercolor rainbow at one point and could explain how the colors mixed together to fork other colors. Ms. Marla later held a special watercolor night for just the parents and my husband and I sat around their little circle table while she explained all that is behind early childhood watercolor in Waldorf education. She then demonstrated exactly how the children paint in her class Mr. Whiskers is the paint brush and each jar of paint (red, yellow & blue) are little houses which Whiskers must ask permission to enter after he has washed his paws (cleaned brush in water). It was simply beautiful, respectful, calm & peaceful.
I have countless stories like this. Weve only been here one year. When weve had an issue with our daughter and we need help weve asked her teacher for a bit of advice. I know every child and at least one parent of each child from all the festivals together. Its like a family. On top of that they offer TONS of resources… they pour time & commitment into at least 8 classes (if not more) this year geared towards parent enrichment & learning. My husband and I attended one in the spring and it was SO powerful. Learning in community with other parents guided by three teachers. The class was based on a book but it wasnt cracked once – instead all the salient pieces of the book were bound in an amazing paper guide they put together themselves just for us! All these classes are open to anyone – you dont even have to be enrolled at the school.
My daughter ended the year with a beautiful felt crown around her head and rainbow dyed silk around her shoulders (she dyed herself!) at the Closing festival as they frolicked around the May Pole!
Ive written a lot here… but if its possible to imagine this school is so much MORE than what Ive included here. Consider how important these years are. We are so thankful to be here!