About Doull Elementary School
Doull Elementary School ( Elementary school ) is located at 2520 S Utica St, Denver, CO 80219, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Elementary school
Ratings & Ranking
Doull Elementary School has a rating of 3.9 and is ranked number 19719 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Doull Elementary School is located at 2520 S Utica St, Denver, CO 80219, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Doull Elementary School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at Doull Elementary School.
Doull Elementary School Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Doull Elementary School and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Doull Elementary School has 18 reviews with an overall rating of 3.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Attendance is a huge part of that rating so they really get on you when your child is actually sick. School is important and being there is a must but they contribute to illness because they will keep the kids outside unless its 22 degrees or lower outside. ECE-5th graders! Principal sets this policy not DPS. Nearby k-12 has 30 degrees or lower policy. This temperature changes at Doull each year getting lower and lower.
Go elsewhere, this place is not the school I had once loved and adored. Will be moving schools next year.
This school prides its self with all the low income kiddos yet they somehow believe these same children own down coats to wear outside in the freezing temperatures?
If my teacher only knew that Im freezing and get dropped off early because mom and dad need to work and I wont be allowed in the school until 7:50 am while teachers sit cozy inside.
They only care when it benefits the school appearance not actually caring about the students well being.
The playground always has ice that never gets cleaned or salted. Many children and adults have fallen. OH and they make you park on stuart in the mornings and you then have to do the limbo to get across the ridiculous black gate. Only a small area to actually walk around it and that is usually piled up with snow!
They have a huge dip in the concrete that has been neglected for years! Water pools with overfilled geese feces and then come cold temperatures, its basically an ice rink.
Principal has become less and less available and never responds to emails. Great teachers have left.
Morning drop offs are insane, you park on crowded street with people stopping in the middle of the road to allow their kids off. Kids can be hit by cars!
Go to Doull at 7:40am and see for yourself.
I have complained about speeding cars in the morning and nobody does anything.
I have posted on Facebook to get attention for this and still nobody has done anything.
Go elsewhere. Sabin and KCAA have designated drop off locations with cross guards, not a school secretary or para only watching two corners once in a blue moon.
After school pick ups are even worse. Good luck finding a parking spot. Parents block driveways and back up bumper to bumper.
On Utica its only worse with the buses. To be fair, its parents that cause the problem but you get no help from school.
Dogs are always on school grounds and nobody cares!
I know that this review sounds bitter and vindictive but Im trying to be helpful. I dont want anymore parents coming here with high hopes and be disappointed.
They do nothing about bad behavior and under report incidents.
Now with the after school reflection in place instead of after school detention, your kid can be bullied and the bully be treated to relaxing yoga!
This was never mentioned to parents until we all saw it on the news.
They used to have PTA meetings and the current principal ended it. Parents have no input in any decisions and are lucky to even find out about it.
School is desperate to stay on the news after their if my teacher only knew project that went viral and gained national attention.
The school then talked about their poor kids all over but if you drive by any freezing morning you will see those poor kids freezing their butts off because of the principals poicies.
Do your research, talk to parents.
Not everyone is unhappy, I wasnt for many years until it all went downhill.
If I can help just one person, I will be happy.
Stay away!
See pictures, not lying!