East Fort Worth Montessori Academy, Fort Worth | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

East Fort Worth Montessori Academy is a Montessori school in Fort Worth with a 3.4 rating.

About East Fort Worth Montessori Academy

East Fort Worth Montessori Academy ( Montessori school ) is located at 501 Oakland Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76103, United States. It is categorised as : Private Montessori school.
Other categories: Montessori school

Ratings & Ranking

East Fort Worth Montessori Academy has a rating of 3.4 and is ranked number 19340 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

East Fort Worth Montessori Academy is located at 501 Oakland Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76103, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Private Montessori school, the school fees for East Fort Worth Montessori Academy range between 15,000 USD and 18,000 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at East Fort Worth Montessori Academy.

East Fort Worth Montessori Academy Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between East Fort Worth Montessori Academy and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

East Fort Worth Montessori Academy has 21 reviews with an overall rating of 3.4. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.4 out of 5.0 stars
I received an acceptance letter for my son for this school, and the email told me to come to register any time between 8AM and 10PM on a certain Saturday. I thought this was a wide range, but they barely gave me two weeks notice and I already had a training scheduled that day that I had paid for. I did call the Thursday before to verify the times of the registration and that all I had to do was show up during those times with the required paperwork, yet this was somehow not caught then. I came up on Saturday at 5PM, the earliest I could, even though I was tired from working a full week and then doing a seven hour training, because I felt this would be best for my son. Instead, I found that they were closed. I called. I sent emails.

By Monday afternoon no one had responded to me, so I sent emails to the Vice Principal on up. The Vice Principal called me back, apologized, and set up a time for me to come in with the paperwork. I was told that the office staff would be expecting me. My son is mildly autistic, and I made some inquiries about his needs, and I was told that I would be able to speak to the diagnostician at that time. When I came in at the scheduled time the office staff was NOT expecting me and seemed dismissive of me until I told them that I had already spoken to the Vice Principal about this and then they made some inquiries. When I told the lady in the office that I had been given the wrong time, she was dismissive about the error. And then when I asked to speak to the diagnostician I was told that the diagnostician was unavailable, even though I was told by the Vice Principal that I would be able to speak with her.

I pulled my son out of public school a year ago and put him in a full time therapy program for autistic children that works on academic skills, though it is not a school. With his birth date, I knew he could either go to kinder or first, and I was wanting to get a feel for where the curriculum is and where he is academically to find the best placement for him. However, I was told that as he was in pre-k when I pulled him out he would go to kinder, period, no discussion, no review as to whether or not this is where his skills are or not.

I had hopes that a Montessori school would be willing to work with my son to find the best place for him to succeed, and I had hopes of having a dialogue where my concerns are listened to and where I felt I could work collaboratively with the school in the best interests of my son, yet I quickly got the message that to get my son an education there I would have to fight and advocate for him. If just getting him registered is that much of an ordeal, then it’s speaking volumes about whether or not they are interested in his success.

At least I know early in the process not to waste any more time with them.

I enrolled my son into this school from Sundance Hospital. He was at a different public school in the area that had a 304 plan in place for him. All of his records from both places were sent to EFWMA. He was accepted into the school and began attending the next week. During the duration of the school year Kendre exhibited the behaviors that the school had been informed of before he was accepted into the EFWMA. However, none of the teachers, the principal, or the superintendent ever worked with him using a 304 plan, counseling, or any other resources available for students with behavioral or mental health disorders. When the superintendent contacted me to set up a meeting she said that she would email me and never did. She would also call me from different numbers, like personal cell phones, and private numbers; which I did not know who it was and would not answer. She would leave messages and I would call the front office back, leave a message, and never get a return phone call. When I finally was able to reach the superintendent she informed me, “Well this is a school of choice and you can withdraw him at anytime”. She did not offer any resources, advice, or counseling through the school. Towards the end of the school year I was informed by my son’s teacher, that the superintendent, Mrs.Dorsimi, would like to meet with me. When I got to the meeting I was told that I was not communicating, that my son isnt a good fit for the school, and that since the school is a school of choice that they will not be having him back next year. I requested the documentation that indicated that there was a plan in place for my son that was utilized, the resources that were utilized, the special arrangement that were made and used for him, and the outcomes of all these options. I was told that they would be emailed to. I still have not received any information on what this charter educational institution put in place and utilized for my disabled son.
!!!!!NOT A SAFE SCHOOL!!!!! My daughter was a student last year during her recess a huge rock was dropped on her hand by another student she did not receive any nurse help as i was notified that they do not have a nurse she sat in her class from noon until 3 with no attention just crying when she asked to call me she was denied and was denied to go to the office as well there are 2 teachers in each class it took a peer to help my child to her after school program which is when i was notified about the incident . When i picked my daughter up her hand was twice the size of her other hand Once i called in to speak with the school i had the run around for a direct contact the Assistant Principal had me convinced that we would get to the bottom of it but once we planned a meeting the teacher bailed on the meeting and there was never a follow up call or meeting planned once i removed my daughter from the school no one never called reached out to me or anything. I am willing to drive my daughter 15 extra min before bringing her back to the school

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