About Erie Institute of Technology
Erie Institute of Technology ( Technical school ) is located at 940 Millcreek Mall Blvd, Erie, PA 16565, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Technical school, Business school, Medical school, Trade school
Ratings & Ranking
Erie Institute of Technology has a rating of 3.8 and is ranked number 3725 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Erie Institute of Technology is located at 940 Millcreek Mall Blvd, Erie, PA 16565, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for Erie Institute of Technology range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Erie Institute of Technology Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Erie Institute of Technology and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Erie Institute of Technology has 60 reviews with an overall rating of 3.8. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Tech jobs are so vast that you may not even need an Associate’s Degree to get a good job. There are many certifications that you can study for and earn on your own time without having to take out thousands of dollars on student loans. Searching online for tech certifications will most likely point you to CompTIA+ certifications which is industry standard city to city, state to state. There are so many resources online that you can find to point you a career that will fit you and how to learn about them.
However, if you still are debating on going so you can have a teacher teach you on these subjects than let me point you to the number 1 teacher in the program, testout . com . It’s a paid program (that you pay for in your loans) that has online quizzes, lab sims, videos, and notes to help you learn. The program is kinda buggy and the videos are mind-numbingly boring. Nonetheless the information is there, especially since the website was purchased by CompTIA so it’s an even better learning program for those certifications I mentioned before. The main issue is that the teachers will play the videos for most of the class and call it a day. You’re paying thousands of dollars to be shown videos. It’s not entirely the teachers faults though, they’re overworked, under payed, and short staffed. It’s just hard to justify going to this school for that.
If you’re STILL deciding to go to this program or not than let me break down the course. The school advertises the program that someone who has absolutely 0 knowledge of computers can still graduate the program and know a lot about the field. In all fairness they do just that. But let’s be real here, 95% of people interested in this field are already computer people who know a lot about them and have used them their whole life. Grades K-12 have you using Microsoft Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and a whole lot more programs, but you spend several months learning the basics of these programs. Thousands of dollars for something you probably already know. Even if you didn’t know there’s free YouTube videos to show you the basics. The program does eventually ramp up to teach you the brand new topics, but you’re probably already mentally checked out by that point.
Now it’s not all negative. At the end of the day a degree is still a degree and getting one in less than 2 years isn’t a bad deal. While I did talk about loans this school is still a LOT cheaper than your traditional 4 year college (that will somehow go up to 5+ years.) The staff is overall friendly and attentive when you need them, and the place has a good atmosphere. If you’re still on the fence you can schedule visitation and sit in on a class and see how it is. Talk to the students and get their perspective. There’s a lot of improving that this school can do, and they could very well be doing just that. I hope that they are making this a better program, but as it stands right now you should carefully consider all of your options for a tech/computer field.