Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park, Sharjah | Fees, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park is a School in Sharjah with a 3.7 rating.

About Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park

Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park is a private School located at 9V94+R32 – Al Nabgghah – Sharjah – United Arab Emirates.
Other categories: School, Park

Ratings & Ranking

Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park has a rating of 3.7 and is ranked number 268 in Sharjah.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park is located at 9V94+R32 – Al Nabgghah – Sharjah – United Arab Emirates.

Schools Fees

The school fees for Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park range between 20000 AED and 30000 AED per year or between 5400 USD and 8100 USD per year.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Falaj Al Mualla Garden Park has 86 reviews with an overall rating of 3.7. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.7 out of 5.0 stars
A lonely place away from traffic. It is only crowded on weekends. It is best for barbecues.
This park is a great place to have a barbecue for lunch or dinner. There are a few barbecue spots, and if you can’t find a spot, you can have a barbecue wherever you find a good place in the park. Washrooms are not in good condition. Park entrance fee is 2 AED per person. Children under a certain age are free.
Tickets per person over the age of 7 are 2 DHS.

The park has a good walking path, and cycling is amazing. It also has prayer rooms, restrooms, and a kids’ fun area.

The downside is the lamps on the walking and cycling path do not work at night. The only lights are in the green areas (playground/grass). Please turn on the path lights so more visitors will visit at night.

The park is good but lacks much-needed basic amenities such as a water cooler, clean washrooms, and dustbins. There is a small fee of AED 2/person (free for children), and a good number of people visit the park; hence, some improvement is required.
Good park with a huge area of trees and greenery.
Entry fee is only 2 dirhams.
You can have a BBQ here, but find your location by 2:00 PM on weekends, otherwise, you will not get a comfortable place.
A prayer room is available inside the park.
The children’s play area is good.

Only families are allowed to enter.
Enjoy your stay.

Worst park ever visited in the UAE. Given 2 stars only for its less crowded ambiance and children’s play equipment.

– Extremely unclean toilets.
– Poorly maintained grass area. You can’t let children play on the ground due to biting ants.
– The refreshment shop has only chilled Pepsi and 500ml water bottles, nothing else. And you have to pay double the actual price.

Moreover, you will pay AED 2 per person for this unpleasant park. There are well-maintained free parks available. Avoid this location. Disappointed. No further visits.

This is a really nice park, but there is no proper maintenance. If it were maintained properly, it would be good for kids to have fun.

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