First Milestones Academy, Springfield | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

First Milestones Academy is a Day care center in Springfield with a 4.2 rating.

About First Milestones Academy

First Milestones Academy ( Day care center ) is located at 6720 Edsall Rd, Springfield, VA 22151, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Day care center, Child care agency, Education center

Ratings & Ranking

First Milestones Academy has a rating of 4.2 and is ranked number 47715 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

First Milestones Academy is located at 6720 Edsall Rd, Springfield, VA 22151, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for First Milestones Academy range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at First Milestones Academy.

First Milestones Academy Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between First Milestones Academy and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

First Milestones Academy has 5 reviews with an overall rating of 4.2. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 4.2 out of 5.0 stars
Choosing to send our children to First Milestones Academy was the best choice we’ve ever made. My son started at around 6 months and stayed until he was 4… KC and her team are incredible women who care for each of the children as if they are their own. I knew everyday my children were not only safe, but were being well taken care of, loved and were having fun. KC communicates regularly and is easy to get in touch with during the day. The bond she created with my kids will be everlasting and we are devastated that we moved to Maryland and can no longer send our kids there. I can’t recommend FMA enough!
I set up an appointment to view the day care center. We communicated the date and time. I showed up about 5 minutes early and when I showed up all the lights in the center were off but the light was on in the house. I knocked on the door but nobody answered. I called, texted, and emailed but never received a response. I stayed about 10 minutes but nobody ever came to the door. I never received any communication after that – it’s been about 3 weeks.
We’ve had our girls at FMA for 3 years and couldn’t be happier with the experience. The communication from the teachers is amazing and I feel so confident leaving my two girls knowing they will be loved and cared for all day! They come home in the evening laughing and telling endless stories about all the fun they’ve had! If you are looking for a daycare look no further than First Milestones Academy!

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