Fox Chapel Middle School, Spring Hill | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Fox Chapel Middle School is a Middle school in Spring Hill with a 3.1 rating.

About Fox Chapel Middle School

Fox Chapel Middle School ( Middle school ) is located at 9412 Fox Chapel Ln, Spring Hill, FL 34606, United States. It is categorised as : Public middle school.
Other categories: Middle school

Ratings & Ranking

Fox Chapel Middle School has a rating of 3.1 and is ranked number 20547 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Fox Chapel Middle School is located at 9412 Fox Chapel Ln, Spring Hill, FL 34606, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public middle school, the school fees for Fox Chapel Middle School range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Fox Chapel Middle School.

Fox Chapel Middle School Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Fox Chapel Middle School and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Fox Chapel Middle School has 22 reviews with an overall rating of 3.1. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.1 out of 5.0 stars
My child was recently punished with an in school suspension for “talking in class” which the teacher said was as bad as doing drugs in school ?!? To make it even more amusing the dean said the teachers statement was correct. In what universe is talking in class as bad as doing drugs in school, and would any educator tell a student that it was as bad either. So right there I should have realized I was dealing with morons. The dean who I spoke with said why are you all upset about this ISS, how do you even know your child is suspended. Ummmm cause you yourself called me to tell me he is suspended and you sent home a poorly/incorrectly filled out form to tell me about it. The form I received didn’t even have my child’s name spelled correctly on it, in fact they misspelled it then tried to change the letters on it misspelling it again. Apparently according to the dean his name wasn’t even showing correct in any of their systems. The dean said he was spoken to about this before twice then that was corrected to once. They referred to me with an incorrect last name also on multiple occasions when I called the school. The teacher is just being vengeful since I refused to fill out her contract which is a joke. She was getting very harassing about it even having my child call and text me during class, until I had enough of it and called the school to tell them to please have her stop. Shortly after that he then gets in trouble. Strange how none of his other teachers have said a word about it and certainly haven’t suspended him for it. Also I was told that the talking in class is not fair for the educations of the other children as its distracting. Which was a great point except that when they put him in iss none of his teachers gave him any of his class or home work for the day making his education suffer. When I said this I was told he could have gotten the homework. But how does he know you are in charge shouldn’t you tell him he go get his papers, I’m sure his teachers know where he is why wasn’t it asked of them to give him the work ahead of time or on the day off or at the end of the day of course no one thought to actually use common sense for just about all of this nonsense. Basically if you can afford it put your kids in private school. I will be considering it myself as a product of public school education I didn’t think it would be this bad but the more I have conversations with both Fox Chapel Middle and Deltona Elementary School’s the more I realize how bad they are.
Fox chapel middle school is the worse school that my kids had attended to. And specially with the incident that happened with the minor and the teacher. It’s a shame that us as parents can’t trust the teacher with our kids no and days
They are so rude to my brother and they are bullies there and they treat people so unfair never put your kids in the school it is not the kind a school if you want your child to grow up in a nice peaceful Middle School

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