Freedom Montessori Academy, Sarasota | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Freedom Montessori Academy (School) is in Sarasota and has a 5 rating.

About Freedom Montessori Academy

Freedom Montessori Academy ( School ) is located at 4055 Bee Ridge Rd, Sarasota, FL 34233, United States. It is categorised as : Montessori elementary and middle school..
Other categories: School, Educational consultant

Ratings & Ranking

Freedom Montessori Academy has a rating of 5 and is ranked number 28029 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Freedom Montessori Academy is located at 4055 Bee Ridge Rd, Sarasota, FL 34233, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Montessori elementary and middle school., the school fees for Freedom Montessori Academy range between 11,500 USD and 18,000 USD.


No vacancies found at the moment.


Admissions are currently open at Freedom Montessori Academy.

Freedom Montessori Academy Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Freedom Montessori Academy and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Freedom Montessori Academy has 10 reviews with an overall rating of 5. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 0.0 out of 5.0 stars0.0
What Ms. Melanie has created at Indigo Circle Montessori Eco-School is a rich and unrivaled learning experience for children and families. She has a unique vision incorporating place-based learning opportunities, and cultivating peace, joy, and mindfulness. At Indigo Circle, children are learning to value and respect themselves, each other, and nature. Fostering this awareness invites children to practice problem solving, decision making, and puts them on path to becoming empowered learners and global citizens. Academics at Indigo Circle have a high level of rigor while also being tailored to individual needs and circumstances. In this respect, Ms. Melanie and the teachers at her school represent a true ‘follow the child’ philosophy. Each child’s learning path is adjusted as they grow and master material so that their lessons are appropriately challenging, relevant, and meaningful for them. This is immediately apparent when you see them engaged in their work.

As a teacher and parent, I’m often disheartened by the lack of social and emotional coping skills children have. With high pressure, high stakes testing in public education, students are spending less time on character development, inquiry, and learning through play. The ripple effect of this can be seen in society. Students’ early learning experiences are predictive of their ability to adjust, adapt, and be successful later in life. This is why I am so encouraged that play and collaboration are central aspects of learning at Indigo Circle. Culture, geography, and the art of ‘connecting’ with others is also embedded throughout the curriculum. Those who attend the school build a strong sense of self through being encouraged to explore and celebrate who they are individually, while simultaneously developing an attuned perspective of the world. Ms. Melanie and the Indigo Circle community are paving the way for a bright future. I am deeply grateful for their presence in our child’s life and the community.

I enrolled my son who is high functioning on the spectrum in Melanie’s VPK program this past summer. All I can say is WOW! As a former teacher I was absolutely amazed at the care, comfort, and quality of instruction at Inidgo. The love for children, learning, and a safe fun atmosphere was evident from the moment I stepped in the door. All the teachers are absolutely passionate about what they do and the children they get to work with. My son learned so much without even knowing he was learning- and to me that is the best type
Of education and instruction. The children were always safe, well cared for, and overall loved. My son still talks about his teachers and classmates at Indigo and we are hoping to enroll him next year as the difference between his current school and Indigo are night and day. He absolutely thrived there as did all the other students. I highly recommend Indigo Circle
Montessori and Ms. Melanie as well as all the other instructors. They are not only teaching children their Abc’s and 123’s but also culture, food, friendship, respect, expression, art, music, and the overall life skills needed for a child to thrive and be happy.
Our girls (ages 7 & 9) have been attending Suncoast Montessori Academy since Sept 2019 and we could not be happier with this school. Ms. Melanie has truly created a child centered school and both girls have a unique learning program that is 100% individualized. From the moment we first walked into the peaceful classroom setting and found children working quietly and independently we knew we were in the right place. Our girls are happy to go everyday and love all of the hands-on exploring they get to do as a part of their school day. In addition, Ms Melanie and her team went above and beyond creating an actual, authentic Montessori online learning program during COVID-19. Our girls were able to continue working on their individualized plans at home, with ease. They were able to really show us just how much independent thinking is a crucial part of their learning.

We firmly believe Suncoast Montessori Academy is a hidden gem in our community!!

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