About Fullstack Academy
Fullstack Academy ( Computer training school ) is located at 405 W Superior St, Chicago, IL 60654, United States. It is categorised as : Software development bootcamp..
Other categories: Computer training school, School
Ratings & Ranking
Fullstack Academy has a rating of 4.8 and is ranked number 12425 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
Fullstack Academy is located at 405 W Superior St, Chicago, IL 60654, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Software development bootcamp., the school fees for Fullstack Academy range between 17,900 USD and 17,900 USD.
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Fullstack Academy Proximity Zone:
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Parents & Students Reviews:
Fullstack Academy has 21 reviews with an overall rating of 4.8. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Initially I chose to attend Fullstack for two reasons:
1. By requiring students come in with a baseline of knowledge, you are able to move more quickly and spend the limited time of the bootcamp covering more advanced topics (side note: I took the Bootcamp Prep course and was more than ready for to apply for the immersive by the end).
2. The idea of focusing on only one language/stackalso leaves more time for honing skills and going deeper into concepts instead of learning different syntax for essentially the same things.
After completing the program, I still agree with both of those statements. However, they are only the beginning of what sets Fullstack apart…
Before attending Fullstack, I was a middle school math and science teacher. Coming from a background in education, I was very impressed with the curriculum and overall educational experience Fullstack provides for a variety of reasons, including:
Each lecture is followed by a workshop in which students get to actually practice using the new information.
The curriculum builds incrementally on itself, introducing concepts in a logical order.
Fullstack has found a good balance between explaining the most important ideas, while still requiring students to figure out how to implement them on their own.
It feels like the staff really cares about each student and their success.
Fullstack purposefully crafts a supportive, collaborative environment by explicitly teaching in the first week such topics as why pair programming is important and how to do it well, how to combat implicit biases, and how to give clear, helpful feedback.
The instructors elicit and actually respond to feedback!
On the topic of instructors: each of the instructors is extremely knowledgeable and brings examples from their own experience to highlight what they are teaching.
I particularly took advantage of the Career Success team. During the bootcamp, I appreciated the guidance on such topics as creating a technical resume or harnessing LinkedIn. Then, during my job search I consistently refered back to the materials they provided us. But most importantly, I felt like I could always reach out to Holly, our Career Success counselor, for answers to even the most inane questions! She was beyond helpful in my search for that first job out of bootcamp, which I can’t wait to start next week!
TL;DR Fullstack Academy provides a well-designed curriculum, supportive and knowledgeable instructors, and personalized career support. I couldn’t recommend it more!
The staff and teaching fellows are incredibly understanding and assess each situation on a case-by-case basis if something comes up. They will give you more, if you ask. But you have to ask, but I have never been hesitant since they are all so welcoming. As far as social culture goes, it is what you make of it. Fullstack is a educative environment first and foremost, so I’ve found that your social experience will depend more on students taking the initiative to hang out and organize events. Also, once you graduate, you get to utilize a large and supportive network of Fullstack grads–I got my first dev job thanks to one of those connections. I highly recommend attending Fullstack especially if convenience matters to you and you plan to work in the same city. Many schools advertise the big tech companies where students have been hired but don’t let that be the only factor in your decision–especially if you’re not 100% sure if you even want to work at large companies. While Fullstack gives you all the tools you need to land your dream dev job, wherever that may be. It’s up the students to put in the work to get them.
I attended Fullstack from September to December in 2018 at Chicago Campus. Then, I was hired by Fullstack as a Teaching Fellow where I worked there for 3 months. About 2 months after the end of my fellowship, I found a job at my dream company, Google, as a Web Solutions Engineer.
Before Fullstack, I was a PhD student in Molecular Biology at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I had interest to coding before; but it was always like a hobby. After I quit grad school, the best thing I know was coding (seriously, I didnt have skills in any area besides biology) and I wanted to turn this hobby into a career. I looked at the best coding bootcamps around Chicago and Fullstack was one of the first ones that came up through my searches. I talked to many grads before convincing myself that this will worth the money. After the first week at Fullstack, I already knew its worth it!