Hampden Charter School of Science – East, Chicopee | Fees, Rankings, Address, Admission, Vacancies, Reviews & More

Hampden Charter School of Science - East (Charter school) is in Chicopee and has a 3.3 rating.

About Hampden Charter School of Science – East

Hampden Charter School of Science – East ( Charter school ) is located at 20 Johnson Rd, Chicopee, MA 01022, United States. It is categorised as : Public charter school specializing in science..
Other categories: Charter school, High school, Learning center, Public educational institution

Ratings & Ranking

Hampden Charter School of Science – East has a rating of 3.3 and is ranked number 9898 in the US.

  • Academic Excellence:
  • School Culture & Environment:
  • Extracurricular Activities:
  • Facilities & Resources:
  • Parent & Community Engagement:


Overall Score

Address & Location

Hampden Charter School of Science – East is located at 20 Johnson Rd, Chicopee, MA 01022, United States.

Schools Fees

Given that it is categorised as Public charter school specializing in science., the school fees for Hampden Charter School of Science – East range between 0 USD and 0 USD.


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Admissions are currently open at Hampden Charter School of Science – East.

Hampden Charter School of Science – East Proximity Zone:

The map below illustrates the average distance between Hampden Charter School of Science – East and student residential areas.

Parents & Students Reviews:

Hampden Charter School of Science – East has 36 reviews with an overall rating of 3.3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.

Overall Rating : 3.3 out of 5.0 stars
This school is terrible.
They are one of the many schools worldwide that are part of a cult/”movement” called the Gulen Movement.

They force their religious beliefs on the students by not allowing them to wear anything “revealing” which in this case means no pants that are even the slightest bit tight, no capris, no dresses, not even sleeveless shirts (tank tops, no matter how thick the straps are). This is taken directly from the dress code section of the student handbook, “No pants, shorts, or skirts that are anatomically revealing.” I’m not sure about you, but as a member of the female gender, this is pretty impossible. We’re not allowed to wear tight clothing, baggy clothing, or any revealing clothing at all.

Male students are not even allowed to grow out their facial hair.
Female students are not allowed to even wear hoop ear rings.

Whenever people from the state want to visit, they call a certain number of kids into the principals office and he tells them what to say when the state wants to talk to them.

They are even limiting what students are allowed to learn.
For example, because most of them are Turkish, students aren’t allowed to learn about, speak about, or ask about the Armenian Genocide.

They don’t do anything to control the bullying that goes on in the school and they openly state how ludicrous they think gays are. I was once called in to the principals office and one of my guy friends was there as well and while we were talking about a certain incident that happened, the principal interrupted to say “Wait, you were talking to her friend Cameron like this? Are you gay? This is disgusting.” and then ignored him and his opinion for the remainder of our time in his office.
I also got in trouble for wearing my Gay rights support shirt the same day a bunch of students got a petition together to allow them to start an LGBT alliance club.

There was once a rat/mouse running around the school and the teachers were trying to catch it and one teacher got bit and they were telling her not to tell any one and they were reluctant about letting her leave even though her finger was red and swollen and she probably had rabies.

All in all, this school is horrible in terms of administration and how they run it and I’m surprised they haven’t been shut down yet.School hours are way too long. Horrible, raw, food is being served to the children that constantly has fingernails, cigarette ash, hair and various other things in it. The school is never even appropriately cleaned. They have an extreme amount of flat screen TVs that no one looks at just to make them seem better. They don’t supply the english department with the proper books that they want the students to read, but they can buy 20 flat screen TVs.

Think about that before sending your child to this place because I’m sure a lot of people will agree with me when I say that they will regret the decision of agreeing to go.

This school pushes ethical boundaries pretty much daily. Even if the temperature is barely in the single digits or just reaching the double digits, there is still school. Adding to this, over 200 kids have to go outside to reach some of their classes. Non-school brand sweatshirt aren’t allowed even in these conditions, though they’re literally just a stitched on logo and sold for twice as much. Whilst the students freeze to death for the time they go to the other building, staff can freely wear their winter jackets while “escorting” students from one building to the other. Facilities are often not cleaned or smell nasty. If this isn’t marketed as a public school, then why do the bathrooms smell just as bad or worse compared to public Wal-Mart bathrooms? School food is often compared to prison food, while classifying prison food as a delicacy in comparison. School is until 4 for more than 90% of the year, and in the winter, some people do not see the sun when they get out. The real star average is 2.7, due to the fact that 3 of the school administration obviously gave it 5 stars. And also – don’t drink the water. The water often tastes like a nice mix of bleach or shampoo with regular tap water.

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