About HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences
HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences ( Educational institution ) is located at 634 Market St, Paterson, NJ 07513, United States. It is categorised as : .
Other categories: Educational institution, School, Technical school
Ratings & Ranking
HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences has a rating of 3.9 and is ranked number 2508 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 3.9 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences is located at 634 Market St, Paterson, NJ 07513, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as , the school fees for HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
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Admissions are currently open at HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences.
HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
HoHoKus School of Trade and Technical Sciences has 77 reviews with an overall rating of 3.9. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 3.9 out of 5.0 stars3.9
This was a great school for me! I came in knowing nothing about welding and came out being one of the best welders at my job. Hohokus helped me a lot but I must say, you get out……. what you put in! There’s no one there thats going to hold your hand. They are extremely busy at the school (as is every trade school) but are very helpful as well! They don’t just rush you through the program (which I thought was great!) They allowed me to take as much time and soak up as much information as I needed, to become the best welder I can be in a 6 month time span. Lori, who is the employment director is excellent! She helped me get the best job I ever had. Sean who is the head of the welding program takes no shorts, he’s a great instructor because he pushes you to be your best! So my advice to anyone interested in going to this school, is to be serious about your future and career because if you don’t who will? And if you are, this is the perfect place to do it! I will like to add that even their financial department is awesome, they helped me get into programs that offered grants to help me pay for my schooling! I have nothing bad to say about this school, although I know all things can be better……. they gave me just what I need to succeed!
My husband had been trying to go to this school to get a better career for us and our daughter and everything was great up until it was time to apply for financial aid…the financial aid lady literally has no idea what shes doing..I have been to college and other vocational schools and I’ve never witnessed a financial aid advisor give such a hard time and so little help and have such little knowledge of financial aid rules and regulations…at Lincoln tech everything is done in 1 day and their financial aid advisor handles everything…with the hohokus school my husband has been expected to do everything essentially on his own and has been given completely wrong information about the financial aid application process..luckily he has me and I advised him to go to another school with better financial aid advisors that actually know what they’re doing…it’s a shame that something kike this csn prevent a person from wanting to advance their career path…needless to say were taking our business elsewhere..
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