About Imagine Desert West Elementary
Imagine Desert West Elementary ( School ) is located at 6738 W McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85035, United States. It is categorised as : Public elementary school.
Other categories: School
Ratings & Ranking
Imagine Desert West Elementary has a rating of 3.7 and is ranked number 4423 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
Rated 3 out of 5
- School Culture & Environment:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Extracurricular Activities:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Facilities & Resources:
Rated 3 out of 5
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Rated 3 out of 5
Rated 3.7 out of 5
Overall Score
Address & Location
Imagine Desert West Elementary is located at 6738 W McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85035, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Public elementary school, the school fees for Imagine Desert West Elementary range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at Imagine Desert West Elementary.
Imagine Desert West Elementary Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between Imagine Desert West Elementary and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
Imagine Desert West Elementary has 55 reviews with an overall rating of 3.7. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
Overall Rating : 3.7 out of 5.0 stars3.7
I felt this school was a good school but 4 months in and it has become a daily nightmare. I can’t help but feel like the school is racist. I have twin boys and one of them is constantly being picked on because he is smaller. When it comes to playing sports, he is very passionate. My son has been suspended several times for reacting to students, the principal tells me that they both get punished but my other son runs into the kid at school while my son is at home. He was slapped last Friday and is still out of school for fighting but the boy that slapped him was back at school yesterday bragging to my son that did not get suspended, my son goes back tomorrow. I have had to complain to the principal that Ms. Andrade talks to my kids like she doesn’t have any of her own. She has told me that she tells the kids to shut up. The principal said he would TALK to her. Think I am going to take this a little further than the principal.
when the school first opened they had great staff and everyone was helpful. classes were small and the children got the attention they needed. now fast forward the classes are overfilled every time I pass the hallways on my way to drop off the kids I hear teachers yelling at students. students crying because they don’t want to go to class either because the teachers are mean or constantly yelling. Do you remember getting yelled at when you were in elementary? I sure don’t. my kids are terrified of their teachers and other staff I cant change schools yet but I do have them on a waiting list. I’ve been trying to contact the principal about my concerns since December but have gotten the run around. If you honestly care about your children and want them to get the best education possible this is NOT the school for them.
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