About International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8
International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8 ( Elementary school ) is located at 4950 S Bowen Rd, Arlington, TX 76017, United States. It is categorised as : Public charter school with K-8 grades..
Other categories: Elementary school, Charter school, School
Ratings & Ranking
International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8 has a rating of 3 and is ranked number 3725 in the US.
- Academic Excellence:
- School Culture & Environment:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Facilities & Resources:
- Parent & Community Engagement:
Overall Score
Address & Location
International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8 is located at 4950 S Bowen Rd, Arlington, TX 76017, United States.
Schools Fees
Given that it is categorised as Public charter school with K-8 grades., the school fees for International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8 range between 0 USD and 0 USD.
No vacancies found at the moment.
Admissions are currently open at International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8.
International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8 Proximity Zone:
The map below illustrates the average distance between International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8 and student residential areas.
Parents & Students Reviews:
International Leadership of Texas, Arlington K-8 has 76 reviews with an overall rating of 3. Some reviews have been edited for clarity.
I would like to share my experience with ILT and hopefully you will think twice before you send your child over:
1. ILT has not proven their concept of trilingual education successful. Since language levels among students within the same grade are different, the teacher cannot go fast and deep. ILT follows STAAR standard, the time allocating to languages is flexible and limited.
2. ILT keeps on setting up new campuses and does not spend enough time to ensure existing students within the system are successful. The education is up to individual teachers and there is no robust and proven curriculum.
3. ILT does not control student quality. The admission is a lottery not a test. Many students transferred to ILT had been doing and behaving poorly in other schools. These reflected in ILT STAAR test results. Unfortunately, they will be with your child daily. In my situation, these students had more influence in my son than me. My son sat with a kid saying cursing words every day. My son complained to the teacher but little could be done.
4. ILT expanded class size from 24 to 28. The teachers are diligent but overworked. There were high turnover among teachers. Four of six positions dropped out in a year. Some positions were turned over three times. Education quality suffered. The substitution teachers sometimes were not very good. In an extreme drama, a substitution teacher threatened to kill, split groups according to races and uttered cursing words in front of kids and was expelled.
5. Bullying problems are common. Most kids are from low income families; and probably parents work all the time and do not have enough time to discipline. My son and his friends were victims. They tend to go after smart students.
6. My son saw students throwing real darts at each other and heard many reports that the middle school has drug problems.
After one and half years in ILT, my son started to show behavior problems and talking issues. He is still pretty good, but I have to transfer him out of ILT before it is too late.
P.S. Today is the first day in the fifth grade at the new private school. My son loved it: small class, good teacher, good classmates, good veggie lunch, and overall a lot better environment. Absolutely we have no regret leaving ILT.